Short-Term Power Load Forecasting in City Based on ISSA-BiTCN-LSTM.
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Efficient constrained large-scale multi-objective optimization based on reference vector-guided evolutionary algorithm.
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Locally informed gravitational search algorithm with hierarchical topological structure.
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GFNet: Automatic segmentation of COVID-19 lung infection regions using CT images based on boundary features.
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Multi-objective LSTM ensemble model for household short-term load forecasting.
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DEA-UNet: a dense-edge-attention UNet architecture for medical image segmentation.
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Adaptive trapezoid region intercept histogram based Otsu method for brain MR image segmentation.
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A coevolution algorithm based on two-staged strategy for constrained multi-objective problems.
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Design and Implementation of Wireless Environment Monitoring System Based on STM32.
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Kinetic-molecular theory optimization algorithm using opposition-based learning and varying accelerated motion.
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Gesture image segmentation with Otsu's method based on noise adaptive angle threshold.
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Empirical Mode Decomposition based Multi-objective Deep Belief Network for short-term power load forecasting.
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MR brain image segmentation using elite kinetic-molecular theory optimisation algorithm.
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Otsu?s thresholding method based on plane intercept histogram and geometric analysis.
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A surrogate-assisted particle swarm optimization using ensemble learning for expensive problems with small sample datasets.
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Energy Noise Detection FCM for Breast Tumor Image Segmentation.
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Optimal multilevel thresholding using molecular kinetic theory optimization algorithm.
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