Micromotors with Spontaneous Multipattern Motion and Microvortex for Enhanced "On-the-Fly" Molecule Enrichment.
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Land-Cover Classification With High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Interactive Segmentation.
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Multi-Featured Anomaly Detection for Mobile Edge Computing Based UAV Delivery Systems.
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Adaptive Channel Balancing Algorithm Based on 2-D Gaussian Kernel Function.
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Channel Balance Algorithm Based on Two-Dimensional Gaussian Kernel Function and Non-Local Means Filter.
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Simultaneous optimization of radar waveform and mismatched filter with range and delay-Doppler sidelobes suppression.
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Direct Power Control Strategy of PWM Rectifier Based on Improved Virtual Flux-Linkage Observer.
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A Method for Detecting Surface Defects in Insulators Based on RPCA.
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Analysis of Distributed Consensus-Based Spectrum Sensing Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks.
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Hardware-Accelerated Parallel-Split Shadow Maps.
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Dynamic Texture Synthesis in the YUV Color-Space.
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Generalized linear perspective shadow map reparameterization.
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Parallel-split shadow maps for large-scale virtual environments.
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