An instrument to assess self-efficacy in introductory algorithms courses.
Inroads, 2018
A Comparison of I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Visibility Computation on Massive Grid Terrains.
CoRR, 2018
Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Load, and Emotional Reactions in Collaborative Algorithms Labs - A Case Study.
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2018
A multiresolution approach for viewsheds on 2D terrains.
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2018
Encyclopedia of Algorithms, 2016
Quadtrees and Morton Indexing.
Encyclopedia of Algorithms, 2016
Terrain Modeling for the Geosciences.
Proceedings of the Computing Handbook, 2014
An Edge Quadtree for External Memory.
Proceedings of the Experimental Algorithms, 12th International Symposium, 2013
On IO-efficient viewshed algorithms and their accuracy.
Proceedings of the 21st SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2013
Viewsheds on terrains in external memory.
ACM SIGSPATIAL Special, 2012
I/O-Efficient Algorithms on Near-Planar Graphs.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl., 2011
Star-quadtrees and guard-quadtrees: I/O-efficient indexes for fat triangulations and low-density planar subdivisions.
Comput. Geom., 2010
The complexity of flow on fat terrains and its i/o-efficient computation.
Comput. Geom., 2010
Improved visibility computation on massive grid terrains.
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2009
Terracost: Computing least-cost-path surfaces for massive grid terrains.
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics, 2008
Computing visibility on terrains in external memory.
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics, 2008
I/O-Efficient Flow Modeling on Fat Terrains.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Data Structures, 10th International Workshop, 2007
I/O-Efficient Map Overlay and Point Location in Low-Density Subdivisions.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Computation, 18th International Symposium, 2007
TerraCost: a versatile and scalable approach to computing least-cost-path surfaces for massive grid-based terrains.
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2006
External Data Structures for Shortest Path Queries on Planar Digraphs.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Computation, 16th International Symposium, 2005
On external-memory MST, SSSP and multi-way planar graph separation.
J. Algorithms, 2004
Simplified External Memory Algorithms for Planar DAGs.
Proceedings of the Algorithm Theory, 2004
External Memory Algorithms for Diameter and All-Pairs Shortest-Paths on Sparse Graphs.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming: 31st International Colloquium, 2004
On External-Memory Planar Depth First Search.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl., 2003
Efficient Flow Computation on Massive Grid Terrain Datasets.
GeoInformatica, 2003
I/O-efficient topological sorting of planar DAGs.
Proceedings of the SPAA 2003: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, 2003
I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Sparse Graphs.
Proceedings of the Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies, 2002
I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Problems on Grid-Based Terrains.
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics, 2001
Flow Computation on Massive Grids.
Proceedings of the ACM-GIS 2001, 2001