Coaxial Integrated Tendon-Driven Actuator: Design, Modeling, Control, and Performance Analysis.
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Mole-Inspired Robot Burrowing with Forelimbs for Planetary Soil Exploration.
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A Multiaxial Bionic Ankle Based on Series Elastic Actuation With a Parallel Spring.
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Robust Cardiac T1 Mapping in Three Heartbeats With UltraMAP: A Synergistic CNN-FC Approach.
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Inertial Viscosity Approximation Methods for General Split Variational Inclusion and Fixed Point Problems in Hilbert Spaces.
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Mechanism Design and Testing of a Mole-like Forelimb for Planetary Regolith - burrowing Exploration.
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Students' Course Results Prediction Based on Data Processing and Machine Learning Methods.
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Unconditionally energy stable schemes for fluid-based topology optimization.
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A New 3D Printed Passive Flexible Prosthesis Based on the Human Foot.
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First and second order unconditionally energy stable schemes for topology optimization based on phase field method.
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A hierarchical RNN-based model for learning recommendation with session intent detection.
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A Dual-Laser Sensor Based on Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy and Time-Division Multiplexing Method.
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In Vivo Assessment of Lower Limb Muscle Stress State Based on Shear Wave Elastography.
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Towards a 3D passive dynamic walker to study ankle and toe functions during walking motion.
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Noninvasive in Vivo Study of the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Plantar Fascia Based on Ultrasound.
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Car-Based Laser Scanning System of Ancient Architecture Visual Modeling.
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Approximation of hardy space on the unit sphere.
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