Chemical entity normalization for successful translational development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia therapeutics.
J. Biomed. Semant., December, 2024

From Data to Wisdom: Biomedical Knowledge Graphs for Real-World Data Insights.
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LinkedImm: a linked data graph database for integrating immunological data.
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A structured model for immune exposures.
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Reporting and connecting cell type names and gating definitions through ontologies.
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A linked data graph approach to integration of immunological data.
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CEDAR OnDemand: a browser extension to generate ontology-based scientific metadata.
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CEDAR: Semantic Web Technology to Support Open Science.
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Formalizing the Representation of Immune Exposures for Human Immunology Studies.
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A Clinical Decision Support System for Monitoring Post-Colonoscopy Patient Follow-Up and Scheduling.
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Extending gene ontology in the context of extracellular RNA and vesicle communication.
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The center for expanded data annotation and retrieval.
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YPED: An Integrated Bioinformatics Suite and Database for Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics Research.
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SenseLab: Integration of Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Data.
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A graph theoretic approach to utilizing protein structure to identify non-random somatic mutations.
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A spatial simulation approach to account for protein structure when identifying non-random somatic mutations.
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Utilizing protein structure to identify non-random somatic mutations.
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A semantic web framework to integrate cancer omics data with biological knowledge.
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Enhancing phylogeography by improving geographical information from GenBank.
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Using semantic web rules to reason on an ontology of pseudogenes.
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Semantic SenseLab: Implementing the vision of the Semantic Web in neuroscience.
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Analysis of Cancer Omics Data In A Semantic Web Framework.
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Provenance of Microarray Experiments for a Better Understanding of Experiment Results.
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Pseudofam: the pseudogene families database.
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A journey to Semantic Web query federation in the life sciences.
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Bringing Web 2.0 to bioinformatics.
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Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences: a review of the state of the art.
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Approaches to neuroscience data integration.
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Entrez Neuron RDFa: A Pragmatic Semantic Web Application for Data Integration in Neuroscience Research.
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Linking Open Drug Data.
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HCLS 2.0/3.0: Health care and life sciences data mashup using Web 2.0/3.0.
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Semantic mashup of biomedical data.
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Case Report: Development of Grid-like Applications for Public Health Using Web 2.0 Mashup Techniques.
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Report on semantic web for health care and life sciences workshop.
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An interdepartmental Ph.D. program in computational biology and bioinformatics: The Yale perspective.
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LinkHub: a Semantic Web system that facilitates cross-database queries and information retrieval in proteomics.
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Advancing translational research with the Semantic Web.
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AlzPharm: integration of neurodegeneration data using RDF.
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Leveraging the structure of the Semantic Web to enhance information retrieval for proteomics.
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SenseLab: new developments in disseminating neuroscience information.
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Ontology-Based Data Integration For Biomedical Research.
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A semantic web approach to biological pathway data reasoning and integration.
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SemBiosphere: A Semantic Web Approach to Recommending Microarray Clustering Services.
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Using Web Ontology Language to Integrate Heterogeneous Databases in the Neurosciences.
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Case Report: A High Productivity/Low Maintenance Approach to High-performance Computation for Biomedicine: Four Case Studies.
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YeastHub: a semantic web use case for integrating data in the life sciences domain.
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YPED: A Proteomics Database for Protein Expression Analysis.
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KARMA: a web server application for comparing and annotating heterogeneous microarray platforms.
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Identifying projected clusters from gene expression profiles.
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Handling multiple testing while interpreting microarrays with the Gene Ontology Database.
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A web services choreography scenario for interoperating bioinformatics applications.
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A XML-Based Approach to Integrating Heterogeneous Yeast Genome Data.
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PathMAPA: a tool for displaying gene expression and performing statistical tests on metabolic pathways at multiple levels for <i>Arabidopsis</i>.
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The TRIPLES database: a community resource for yeast molecular biology.
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A dynamic approach to mapping coordinates between microplates and microarrays.
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YMD: a microarray database for large-scale gene expression analysis.
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An XML Application For Genomic Data Interoperation.
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A metadata framework for interoperating heterogeneous genome data using XML.
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A Graph-based Meta-data Framework for Interoperation between Genome Databases.
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Graphically-enabled integration of bioinformatics tools allowing parallel execution.
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A Framework Designed to Represent Both Data and Meta-Data to Enhance Database Interoperability.
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