A generative-discriminative framework that integrates imaging, genetic, and diagnosis into coupled low dimensional space.
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The NIMH Intramural Longitudinal Study of the Endocrine and Neurobiological Events Accompanying Puberty: Protocol and rationale for methods and measures.
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Beyond linearity in neuroimaging: Capturing nonlinear relationships with application to longitudinal studies.
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Neanderthal-Derived Genetic Variation is Associated with Functional Connectivity in the Brains of Living Humans.
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G-MIND: an end-to-end multimodal imaging-genetics framework for biomarker identification and disease classification.
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A generative-predictive framework to capture altered brain activity in fMRI and its association with genetic risk: application to Schizophrenia.
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Bridging Imaging, Genetics, and Diagnosis in a Coupled Low-Dimensional Framework.
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BDNF Val<sup>66</sup>Met polymorphism tunes frontolimbic circuitry during affective contextual learning.
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Automated Quality Assessment of Structural Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Based on a Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm.
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The Neural Substrates of Recognition Memory for Verbal Information: Spanning the Divide between Short- and Long-term Memory.
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Abnormalities in neural processing of emotional stimuli in Williams syndrome vary according to social vs. non-social content.
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Bridging the gene-behavior divide through neuroimaging deletion syndromes: Velocardiofacial (22q11.2 Deletion) and Williams (7q11.23 Deletion) syndromes.
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Reading, hearing, and the planum temporale.
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