Regular dessins with underlying graphs K2e,2f: The metacyclic case.
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LSRAM: A Lightweight Autoscaling and SLO Resource Allocation Framework for Microservices Based on Gradient Descent.
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MSARS: A Meta-Learning and Reinforcement Learning Framework for SLO Resource Allocation and Adaptive Scaling for Microservices.
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FDGLib: A Communication Library for Efficient Large-Scale Graph Processing in FPGA-Accelerated Data Centers.
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A Survey of Non-Volatile Main Memory Technologies: State-of-the-Arts, Practices, and Future Directions.
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Classification of skew morphisms of cyclic groups which are square roots of automorphisms.
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A Pedestrian Detection Method Based on Improved ResNet for Container Terminal.
Proceedings of the Human Centered Computing - 7th International Conference, 2021
AsynGraph: Maximizing Data Parallelism for Efficient Iterative Graph Processing on GPUs.
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A Survey of Non-Volatile Main Memory Technologies: State-of-the-Arts, Practices, and Future Directions.
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Complete regular dessins and skew-morphisms of cyclic groups.
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Reflexible complete regular dessins and antibalanced skew morphisms of cyclic groups.
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Complete regular dessins of odd prime power order.
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Smooth skew morphisms of the dihedral groups.
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Disk Failure Prediction in Data Centers via Online Learning.
Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2018
Fairness-aware dynamic rate control and flow scheduling for network function virtualization.
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Non-abelian almost totally branched coverings over the platonic maps.
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Regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges revisited.
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Branched cyclic regular coverings over platonic maps.
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Design and implementation of a trusted monitoring framework for cloud platforms.
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Scheduling overcommitted VM: Behavior monitoring and dynamic switching-frequency scaling.
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Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication with Variant CSR on GPUs.
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FTDS: Adjusting Virtual Computing Resources in Threshing Cases.
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XenHVMAcct: Accurate CPU Time Accounting for Hardware-Assisted Virtual Machine.
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Dynamic Switching-Frequency Scaling: Scheduling Overcommitted Domains in Xen VMM.
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Affinity-aware Proportional Share Scheduling for Virtual Machine System.
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Adaptive audio-aware scheduling in Xen virtual environment.
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ClientVisor: leverage COTS OS functionalities for power management in virtualized desktop environment.
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An Adaptive Algorithm for Mining Association Rules on Shared-Memory Parallel Machines.
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Towards the building of a dense-region-based OLAP system.
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Towards Data Mining Benchmarking: A Testbed for Performance Study of Frequent Pattern Mining.
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DROLAP - A Dense-Region Based Approach to On-Line Analytical Processing.
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Asynchronous Parallel Algorithm for Mining Association Rules on a Shared-Memory MultiPprocessors.
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