Uncertain retailer-led supply chain contract design under asymmetric delivery reliability information: sequential ordering and pricing decisions.
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Tractable approximations for the distributionally robust conditional vertex <i>p</i>-center problem: Application to the location of high-speed railway emergency rescue stations.
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A credibility-based fuzzy programming model for the hierarchical multimodal hub location problem with time uncertainty in cargo delivery systems.
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Distributionally robust cluster-based hierarchical hub location problem for the integration of urban and rural public transport system.
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Fuzzy Reliability Optimization for 2-Hub Center Problem with Cluster-Based Policy and Application in Cross-Border Supply Chain Network Design Using TS Algorithm.
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Stochastic Hierarchical Multimodal Hub Location Problem for Cargo Delivery Systems: Formulation and Algorithm.
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A super-resolution method of combined color image with depth map based on deep learning.
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Intra-class Classification of Architectural Styles Using Visualization of CNN.
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Playing First-Person-Shooter Games with A3C-Anticipator Network Based Agents Using Reinforcement Learning.
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MILP formulations and a TS algorithm for reliable last train timetabling with uncertain transfer flows.
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Modeling and optimization of a road-rail intermodal transport system under uncertain information.
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Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Deep Learning Method.
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Video Frame Interpolation Based on Multi-scale Convolutional Network and Adversarial Training.
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Prediction of Twist Angle for Assistive Exoskeleton Based on EMG Signals.
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The Real Time Gait Phase Detection Based on Long Short-Term Memory.
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Monitoring mechanisms in new product development with risk-averse project manager.
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The impact of decision criteria on deadline-based incentive contracts in project management.
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Hub-and-spoke network design problem under uncertainty considering financial and service issues: A two-phase approach.
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A Competitive Combat Strategy and Tactics in RTS Games AI and StarCraft.
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An Efficient Feature Selection for SAR Target Classification.
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Impacts of uncertain project duration and asymmetric risk sensitivity information in project management.
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Developing equilibrium optimization methods for hub location problems.
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Multi-objective biogeography-based optimization for supply chain network design under uncertainty.
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The impact of risk attitude in new product development under dual information asymmetry.
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An improved hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for fuzzy p-hub center problem.
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