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Optimized fuzzy K-nearest neighbor approach for accurate lung cancer prediction based on radial endobronchial ultrasonography.
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The crashworthiness prediction and deformation constraint optimization of shrink energy-absorbing structures based on deep learning architecture.
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Utilizing bee foraging behavior in mutational salp swarm for feature selection: a study on return-intentions of overseas Chinese after COVID-19.
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Elite levy spreading differential evolution via ABC shrink-wrap for multi-threshold segmentation of breast cancer images.
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SDFormer: A Novel Transformer Neural Network for Structural Damage Identification by Segmenting the Strain Field Map.
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DiseaseMeth version 3.0: a major expansion and update of the human disease methylation database.
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Using BI-RADS Stratifications as Auxiliary Information for Breast Masses Classification in Ultrasound Images.
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Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Using Semi-Pixel-Wise Cycle Generative Adversarial Nets.
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Boundedness in a chemotaxis-haptotaxis model with gradient-dependent flux limitation.
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A novel weighted graph representation-based method for structural topology optimization.
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An Improved Integrated Cumulant Method by Probability Distribution Pre-Identification in Power System With Wind Generation.
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Global Closed-Form Approximation of Free Boundary for Optimal Investment Stopping Problems.
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Automated Segmentation of Lesions in Ultrasound Using Semi-pixel-wise Cycle Generative Adversarial Nets.
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Improving Colorectal Polyp Classification Based on Physical Examination Data - An Ensemble Learning Approach.
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Let sources know: Enabling access tracking in a content centric context.
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Measuring the Control-Data Plane Consistency in Software Defined Networking.
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Energy Efficient Neurons With Generalized Inverse Gaussian Conditional and Marginal Hitting Times.
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