A class of wide neighborhood interior-point algorithms based on the algebraic equivalent transformation technique with specific functions.
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A combined variable aggregation presolving technique for mixed integer programming.
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A New Adaptive Balanced Augmented Lagrangian Method with Application to ISAC Beamforming Design.
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Highly Robust Vehicle Lateral Localization Using Multilevel Robust Network.
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A step-truncated method in a wide neighborhood interior-point algorithm for linear programming.
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Dinkelbach Framework for Joint Transmit Beamforming of Multi-antenna Multicast Channel with ISAC.
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Improving Affective Event Classification with Multi-perspective Knowledge Injection.
Proceedings of the Chinese Computational Linguistics - 22nd China National Conference, 2023
Learning to share by masking the non-shared for multi-domain sentiment classification.
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Debiasing Stance Detection Models with Counterfactual Reasoning and Adversarial Bias Learning.
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Zero-shot Aspect-level Sentiment Classification via Explicit Utilization of Aspect-to-Document Sentiment Composition.
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SSR: Utilizing Simplified Stance Reasoning Process for Robust Stance Detection.
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Unstructured Road Segmentation Based on Road Boundary Enhancement Point-Cylinder Network Using LiDAR Sensor.
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Learning to Share by Masking the Non-shared for Multi-domain Sentiment Classification.
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DMPPT Control of Photovoltaic Microgrid Based on Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm.
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Knowledge Enhanced Target-Aware Stance Detection on Tweets.
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Bisection and Exact Algorithms Based on the Lagrangian Dual for a Single-Constrained Shortest Path Problem.
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A failure remember-driven self-adaptive differential evolution with top-bottom strategy.
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Exploring Answer Stance Detection with Recurrent Conditional Attention.
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Small Signal Stability of UHVDC Hierarchical Connection to AC Grid.
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A Joint Model for Sentiment Classification and Opinion Words Extraction.
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New Results on Narrowing the Duality Gap of the Extended Celis-Dennis-Tapia Problem.
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Research on position analysis of a new partly-DOF parallel stable platform.
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P4-equicoverable graphs which contain cycles with length at least 4.
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Local Contexts Are Effective for Neural Aspect Extraction.
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Babbling - The HIT-SCIR System for Emotional Conversation Generation.
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PreSurgMapp: a MATLAB Toolbox for Presurgical Mapping of Eloquent Functional Areas Based on Task-Related and Resting-State Functional MRI.
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Clustering and pattern search for enhancing particle swarm optimization with Euclidean spatial neighborhood search.
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Sequential game solution for lane-merging conflict between autonomous vehicles.
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Static game approach for solving lane-merging conflict between autonomous vehicles.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering, 2016
Exact Solution of an Approximate Weighted Least Squares Estimate of Energy-Based Source Localization in Sensor Networks.
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Modeling photonic crystals by boundary integral equations and Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps.
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De-interlacing technique based on total variation with spatial-temporal smoothness constraint.
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