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Techno-unemployment: A framework for assessing the effects of information and communication technologies on work.
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Retweets for Policy Advocates: Tweet Diffusion in The Policy Discussion Space of Universal Basic Income.
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Virtual worlds in higher education: a policy simulation.
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Business models dynamics for start-ups and innovating e-businesses.
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Morphodynamics and perceptual worlds - conceptual approach and an experiment in evolutionary robotics.
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Business models and operational issues in the Chinese online game industry.
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Property rights, legal issues, and business models in virtual world communities.
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The Advantages of Evolving Perceptual Cues.
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Dynamic Business Model Framework for Value Webs.
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Compatibility standards and monopoly incentives: the impact of service-based software licensing.
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Reputation and Dispute in eBay Transactions.
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Causes of Disputes in Online Auctions.
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Electronic Commerce Fraud: Towards an Understanding of the Phenomenon.
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Business Models for Online Communities: The Case of the Virtual Worlds Industry in China.
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From the Inside Looking Out: Self Extinguishing Perceptual Cues and the Constructed Worlds of Animats.
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Virtual Worlds in Asia: Business Models and Legal Issues.
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Vertical Integration and the Relationship Between Publisher and Creators.
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Understanding Disputes In Online Auctions.
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The Implications of Property Rights in Virtual Worlds.
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IRTL (Information Resource Transaction Layer) Middleware Design for P2P and Open GRID Services.
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Visually Guided Physically Simulated Agents with Evolved Morphologies.
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Business Models for Peer to Peer Initiatives.
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Business Models for Mobile Content: the Case of M-Games.
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Charging Control and Transaction Accounting Mechanisms Using IRTL (Information Resource Transaction Layer) Middleware for P2P Services.
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Implications of Pure Electronic Commerce for Vertical Integration.
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The Effects of Market-enabling Internet Agents on Competition and Prices.
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The Impact of Incentives in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on Corporate Strategies
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