Image-Based Visual Servoing of Rotorcrafts to Planar Visual Targets of Arbitrary Orientation.
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Adaptive Output-Feedback Image-Based Visual Servoing for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
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Output Feedback Image-Based Visual Servoing of Rotorcrafts.
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Disturbance observer-based visual servoing for multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles.
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Dynamic Visual Servoing for a Quadrotor Using a Virtual Camera.
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Adaptive visual servoing of UAVs using a virtual camera.
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Dynamic IBVS of a rotary wing UAV using line features.
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State transformation-based dynamic visual servoing for an unmanned aerial vehicle.
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Dynamic image-based visual servoing for unmanned aerial vehicles with bounded inputs.
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IBVS of a rotary wing UAV using line features.
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Reduced-order Observer Design for Structure and Motion Estimation.
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