Cognitive Depression Detection Cyber-Medical System Based on EEG Analysis and Deep Learning Approaches.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, February, 2023

Cognitive COVID-19 Fake News Detection Model based on Machine Learning Approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2023

Intelligent Traffic Accident Prediction Model for Internet of Vehicles With Deep Learning Approach.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2022

Constructing Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems for Travel Time Prediction With Deep Learning Approaches.
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Efficient Generative Adversarial Networks for Imbalanced Traffic Collision Datasets.
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Effects of screen size and visual presentation on visual fatigue based on regional brain wave activity.
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A multiple multilayer perceptron neural network with an adaptive learning algorithm for thyroid disease diagnosis in the internet of medical things.
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A medical specialty outpatient clinics recommendation system based on text mining.
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Deep learning: emerging trends, applications and research challenges.
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Recurrent neural network with attention mechanism for language model.
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A Novel Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with SVM for Bio-inspired Software-Defined Networking.
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Wavelet-Based EEG Processing for Epilepsy Detection Using Fuzzy Entropy and Associative Petri Net.
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Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Teaching Platform for Guided Instruction in Programming with Real-Time Compilation.
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What drives stickiness in location-based AR games? An examination of flow and satisfaction.
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Online incremental learning for sleep quality assessment using associative Petri net.
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Forecasting Results of Sport Events Through Deep Learning.
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An EEG-Based Fuzzy Probability Model for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease.
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Exploring the Antecedents of Technostress and Compulsive Mobile Application Usage: Personality Perspectives.
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YouTube stickiness: the needs, personal, and environmental perspective.
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User-adapted travel planning system for personalized schedule recommendation.
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APN model construction for malicious email detection.
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Exploring switch intention of users' reading behaviour: An e-book reader case study.
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An APN model for Arrhythmic beat classification.
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Continuous usage of social networking sites: The effect of innovation and gratification attributes.
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The effects of blogger recommendations on customers' online shopping intentions.
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An intelligent embedded system for malicious email filtering.
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The Diagnosis of Mental Stress by Using Data Mining Technologies.
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ECG identification of arrhythmias by using an associative Petri net.
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Continuous Usage Intention of Videoconferencing Software: A Case Study of One-to-Some Online Courses.
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Explore dependency syndrome on mobile phone user.
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Forecasting Stock Price Based on Fuzzy Time-Series with Entropy-Based Discretization Partitioning.
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Identifying Smartphone Malware Using Data Mining Technology.
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An embedded mobile ECG reasoning system for elderly patients.
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Mobile Malware Behavioral Analysis and Preventive Strategy Using Ontology.
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Web service description for mobile phone virus.
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Collaborative spam filtering with heterogeneous agents.
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A Generalized Associative Petri Net for Reasoning.
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