Erratum to "Instrumentation, Measurement, and Signal Processing in Electroencephalography-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: Situations and Prospects".
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2024
Instrumentation, Measurement, and Signal Processing in Electroencephalography-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: Situations and Prospects.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2024
Whole-genome Sequencing Reveals Autooctoploidy in Chinese Sturgeon and Its Evolutionary Trajectories.
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Mesoscale simulations of spherulite growth during isothermal crystallization of polymer melts via an enhanced 3D phase-field model.
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Design, fabrication and characterization of a zinc oxide thin-film piezoelectric accelerometer.
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Characterisation of IC packaging interfaces and loading effects.
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Knowledge-intensive collaborative design modeling and support: Part II: System implementation and application.
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Knowledge-intensive collaborative design modeling and support: Part I: Review, distributed models and framework.
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Development Of An Soi-Based Micro Check Valve.
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A Rotary Micromirror For Fiber-Optic Switching.
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Tini Film Based Shape Memory Alloy And Microactuators.
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A PDES/STEP-based model and system for concurrent integrated design and assembly planning.
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Web-Based Collaborative Framework and Environment for Designing and Building Robotic Systems.
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Mechanical systems and assemblies modeling using knowledge-intensive Petri nets formalisms.
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