Effects of dendritic Ca<sup>2+</sup> spike on the modulation of spike timing with transcranial direct current stimulation in cortical pyramidal neurons.
J. Comput. Neurosci., February, 2025
Dendritic filtering determines the frequency-dependent spike train correlations.
Neurocomputing, March, 2024
Large-Scale Bio-Inspired FPGA Models for Path Planning.
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Multi-Core ARM-Based Hardware-Accelerated Computation for Spiking Neural Networks.
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The passive properties of dendrites modulate the propagation of slowly-varying firing rate in feedforward networks.
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Bio-inspired computing: A deep learning algorithm with the spike-frequency adaptation.
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Recognition of complex surfaces based on multiscale temporal networks.
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Frequency-Dependent Energy Demand of Dendritic Responses to Deep Brain Stimulation in Thalamic Neurons: A Model-Based Study.
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Asymptotic Input-Output Relationship Predicts Electric Field Effect on Sublinear Dendritic Integration of AMPA Synapses.
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Kilohertz waveforms optimized to produce closed-state Na+ channel inactivation eliminate onset response in nerve conduction block.
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Modelling the Neurons Activated by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
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Energy Cost of Action Potential Generation and Propagation in Thalamocortical Relay Neurons During Deep Brain Stimulation.
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Modulations of dendritic Ca2+ spike with weak electric fields in layer 5 pyramidal cells.
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Modulation of neuronal input-output function by subthreshold electric fields from dendritic sublinear integration.
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Contributions of adaptation currents to dynamic spike threshold on slow timescales: Biophysical insights from conductance-based models.
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The comparison of electric fields distribution applying various coil configurations in Deep Transcranial magnetic stimulation.
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Dynamics of spike threshold in a two-compartment neuron with passive dendrite.
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Minimum energy control for a two-compartment neuron to extracellular electric fields.
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Action potential threshold of wide dynamic range neurons in rat spinal dorsal horn evoked by manual acupuncture at ST36.
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Input-output relation and energy efficiency in the neuron with different spike threshold dynamics.
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Spike initiating dynamics of the neuron with different adaptation mechanisms to extracellular electric fields.
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Spike-frequency adaptation of a two-compartment neuron modulated by extracellular electric fields.
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Exploring how extracellular electric field modulates neuron activity through dynamical analysis of a two-compartment neuron model.
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Effects of Extremely Low-frequency magnetic Fields on the Response of a conductance-Based Neuron Model.
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Ordinal Pattern Based Complexity Analysis for EEG Activity Evoked by Manual Acupuncture in Healthy Subjects.
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Exploring action potential initiation in neurons exposed to DC electric fields through dynamical analysis of conductance-based model.
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Dynamic analysis of Hodgkin's three classes of neurons exposed to extremely low-frequency sinusoidal induced electric field.
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