Fuzzy Logic Application in Performance-Based Contracting Process.
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Using structured language in the measurement of software projects.
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Measuring Safety: Applying PSM to the System Safety Domain.
Proceedings of the Safety Critical Systems and Software 2003, 2003
The Möbius Framework and Its Implementation.
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Product form solution for an insensitive stochastic process algebra structure.
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The Möbius Modeling Tool.
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, 2001
Implementing a Stochastic Process Algebra within the Möbius Modeling Framework.
Proceedings of the Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods, 2001
Exploiting Modal Logic to Express Performance Measures.
Proceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools, 2000
Experiences with the PEPA performance modelling.
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Specifying Performance Measures for PEPA.
Proceedings of the Formal Methods for Real-Time and Probabilistic Systems, 1999