Medical image registration based on watershed transform from greyscale marker and multi-scale parameter search.
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A Fast and Robust Negative Mining Approach for Enrollment in Face Recognition Systems.
Proceedings of the 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2017

Rate-energy-accuracy optimization of convolutional architectures for face recognition.
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Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detection.
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Recod @ MediaEval 2015: Diverse Social Images Retrieval.
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Learning Person-Specific Representations From Faces in the Wild.
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Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Attack Detection.
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Vehicle License Plate Recognition With Random Convolutional Networks.
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Multimedia Geocoding: The RECOD 2014 Approach.
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Recod @ MediaEval 2014: Diverse Social Images Retrieval.
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Aprendendo representações específicas para a face de cada pessoa.
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The 2013 face recognition evaluation in mobile environment.
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Person-Specific Subspace Analysis for Unconstrained Familiar Face Identification.
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Census Histograms: a Simple Feature Extraction and Matching Approach for Face Recognition.
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Petroleum well drilling monitoring through cutting image analysis and artificial intelligence techniques.
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A novel algorithm for feature selection using Harmony Search and its application for non-technical losses detection.
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What is the importance of selecting features for non-technical losses identification?
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2011), 2011

Person-specific face representation for recognition.
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Feature selection through gravitational search algorithm.
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Fast Petroleum Well Drilling Monitoring Through Optimum-Path Forest.
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