HPNet: High precision point cloud registration using feature pyramid and hybrid position encoding.
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Learning a dual-branch classifier for class incremental learning.
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Performance assessment for non-Gaussian systems by minimum entropy control and dynamic data reconciliation.
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Statistical information based two-layer model predictive control with dynamic economy and control performance for non-Gaussian stochastic process.
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Optimized highway deep learning network for fast single image super-resolution reconstruction.
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Kalman Filter Preview Control for Energy Savings of Large Scale Cascaded Belt Conveying Systems.
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Adaptive Filter Approach for GPS Multipath Estimation Under Correntropy Criterion in Dynamic Multipath Environment.
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A time series forecasting based on cloud model similarity measurement.
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Weakly paired multimodal fusion using multilayer extreme learning machine.
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Generalized Correntropy Filter-Based Fault Diagnosis and Tolerant Control for Non-Gaussian Stochastic Systems Subject to Sensor Faults.
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Robotic grasping recognition using multi-modal deep extreme learning machine.
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Soft sensor for ball mill fill level based on uncertainty reasoning of cloud model.
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A sliding average Extended Kalman Filter and its application in multipath estimation.
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Variable selection based on random vector functional-link in soft sensor modeling.
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Research of Support Vector Regression Algorithm Based on Granularity.
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Solving 0-1Knapsack Problem Based on Rough Set Theory.
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Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithms.
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Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithms and its Application in Multi-Sensor Fusion.
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GrC Model in Genetic Algorithm: Artificial Selection Algorithm.
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Granular Computing Based Sorting Method in Multi-Objective Optimization.
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Immune Evolution Algorithm Based Dynamic Path Planning Approach for the Soccer Robot.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 2007
Neuro-Fuzzy Model-Based CUSUM Method Application in Fault Detection on an Autonomous Vehicle.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 2007
MEA Based Nonlinearity Correction Algorithm for the VCO of LFMCW Radar Level Gauge.
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Application of BP Network-Based Multi-sensor Fusion Techniques in Measurement of the Unburned Carbon in Fly Ash.
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The Application of IMEA in Nonlinearity Correction of VCO Frequency Modulation.
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Application of a matrix-based binary granular computing algorithm in RST.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 2005