Overcoming challenges of translating deep-learning models for glioblastoma: the ZGBM consortium.
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Uncertainty analysis of MR-PET image registration for precision neuro-PET imaging.
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Simultaneous quantification of GABA, Glx and GSH in the neonatal human brain using magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
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Perfusion-based Brain Connectivity: PASL vs pCASL.
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Arterial Spin Labeling Reveals Disrupted Brain Networks and Functional Connectivity in Drug-Resistant Temporal Epilepsy.
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Imaging biomarkers for the diagnosis of Prion disease.
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Subthalamic deep brain stimulation sweet spots and hyperdirect cortical connectivity in Parkinson's disease.
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Short Acquisition Time PET Quantification Using MRI-Based Pharmacokinetic Parameter Synthesis.
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NiftyFit: a Software Package for Multi-parametric Model-Fitting of 4D Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data.
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Optimisation of Arterial Spin Labelling Using Bayesian Experimental Design.
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Multi-modal Measurement of the Myelin-to-Axon Diameter g-ratio in Preterm-born Neonates and Adult Controls.
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Voxel-based cortical thickness measurements in MRI.
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Improving whole brain structural MRI at 4.7 Tesla using 4 irregularly shaped receiver coils.
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Sulcal Segmentation for Cortical Thickness Measurements.
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