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Taxonomy: Call for ecosystem modelling data.
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Towards mainstreaming of biodiversity data publishing: recommendations of the GBIF Data Publishing Framework Task Group.
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A Means-End Analysis of Consumers' Perceptions of Virtual World Affordances for E-commerce.
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Investigating affordances of virtual worlds for real world B2C e-commerce.
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Design guidelines for B2C e-commerce in virtual worlds.
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From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers.
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Eye gaze in virtual environments: evaluating the need and initial work on implementation.
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Bounding Inconsistency Using a Novel Threshold Metric for Dead Reckoning Update Packet Generation.
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Disabilities Information Flow: a disabilities information management system.
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Usability beyond the website: an empirically-grounded e-commerce evaluation instrument for the total customer experience.
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A review on effective closely-coupled collaboration using immersive CVE's.
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Dealing with the Effect of Path Curvature on Consistency of Dead Reckoned Paths in Networked Virtual Environments.
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Extended RBAC with Role Attributes.
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Evaluating e-commerce environments: approaches to cross-disciplinary investigation.
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Factors Influencing the Decisions of SMEs to Purchase Software Package Upgrades.
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Y-Generation students fail with Google.
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Reducing Fragmentation in Telecollaboration by Using IPT Interfaces.
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A Model for Distributed, Co-Located Interaction in Urban Design/Review Visualisation.
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A Preliminary Study to Determine Attitudes towards Plagiarism in Information Systems.
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The Customer's Perspective Sociological Accounts of E-Commerce Encounters.
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Crafting the Compelling User Experience.
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RealPlaces, 3D Interfaces for Office Applications.
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Interactive System Design and Object Models.
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Incorporating work, process and task analysis into commercial and industrial object-oriented systems development.
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Developing Software Using OVID.
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Object models in user interface design: a CHI 97 workshop.
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Object View and Interaction Design.
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