The Hierarchical Evolution in Human Vision Modeling.
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Computational Modeling: Human Dynamic Model.
Frontiers Neurorobotics, 2021

Machine versus Human Attention in Deep Reinforcement Learning Tasks.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2021, 2021

Parallel Neural Multiprocessing with Gamma Frequency Latencies.
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Human versus Machine Attention in Deep Reinforcement Learning Tasks.
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Human Gaze Assisted Artificial Intelligence: A Review.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Atari-HEAD: Atari Human Eye-Tracking and Demonstration Dataset.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Atari-HEAD: Atari Human Eye-Tracking and Demonstration Dataset.
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Leveraging Human Guidance for Deep Reinforcement Learning Tasks.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019

Modeling sensory-motor decisions in natural behavior.
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An Initial Attempt of Combining Visual Selective Attention with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
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AGIL: Learning Attention from Human for Visuomotor Tasks.
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Learning Attention Model From Human for Visuomotor Tasks.
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Decision-Making Policies for Heterogeneous Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems with Safety Constraints.
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Global Policy Construction in Modular Reinforcement Learning.
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Animat Vision.
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Classifying movements using efficient kinematic codes.
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Efficient Codes for Inverse Dynamics During Walking.
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Modular inverse reinforcement learning for visuomotor behavior.
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Unified losses for multi-modal pose coding and regression.
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A soft barrier model for predicting human visuomotor behavior in a driving task.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Efficient codes for multi-modal pose regression.
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Learning and Coordinating Repertoires of Behaviors with Common Reward: Credit Assignment and Module Activation.
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Realtime, Physics-Based Marker Following.
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Dual Roles for Spike Signaling in Cortical Neural Populations.
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Novelty detection using Growing Neural Gas for visuo-spatial memory.
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Humanoid muscle movement representation.
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Predictive Feedback Can Account for Biphasic Responses in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus.
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Recognizing Behavior in Hand-Eye Coordination Patterns.
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The Role of the Body in Infant Language Learning.
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Modeling embodied visual behaviors.
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A unified model of early word learning: Integrating statistical and social cues.
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On the Role of Embodiment in Modeling Natural Behaviors.
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Modeling the Brain's Operating System Using Virtual Humanoids.
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An Equilibrium Point based Model Unifying Movement Control in Humanoids.
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Motor Synergies for Coordinated Movements in Humanoids.
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Behavior Recognition in Human Object Interactions with a Task Model.
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The Role of Embodied Intention in Early Lexical Acquisition.
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Modeling the Brain's Operating System.
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A multimodal learning interface for grounding spoken language in sensory perceptions.
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A single spike model of predictive coding.
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Vergence Control in Fixation with Minimal Disparity Information.
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On the Integration of Grounding Language and Learning Objects.
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Eye Movements for Reward Maximization.
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Multiple-Goal Reinforcement Learning with Modular Sarsa(0).
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A multimodal learning interface for word acquisition.
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Attentional Object Spotting by Integrating Multimodal Input.
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Saccade contingent updating in virtual reality.
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Vision in natural and virtual environments.
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Understanding Human Behaviors Based on Eye-Head-Hand Coordination.
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Single trial P3 epoch recognition in a virtual environment.
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A single-spike model of predictive coding.
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Recognizing Evoked Potentials in a Virtual Environment.
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Phonetic Set Indexing for Fast Lexical Access.
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Category Learning Through Multi-Modality Sensing.
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Visual Routines for Autonomous Driving.
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Word set probability boosting for improved spontaneous dialog recognition.
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Dynamic Model of Visual Recognition Predicts Neural Response Properties in the Visual Cortex.
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Visual routines for vehicle control.
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Deictic human/robot interaction.
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Improved spontaneous dialogue recognition using dialogue and utterance triggers by adaptive probability boosting.
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A novel word pre-selection method based on phonetic set indexing.
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Evolution-Based Discovery of Hierarchical Behaviors.
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An Active Vision Architecture Based on Iconic Representations.
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Modeling Saccadic Targeting in Visual Search.
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The distance set representation of speech segments.
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Natural Basis Functions and Topographic Memory for Face Recognition.
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Remote Teleassistance.
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Causality in Genetic Programming.
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Object Indexing Using an Iconic Sparse Distributed Memory.
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Towards a Functional Theory of Vision Based on Visual Routines.
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Using intermediate objects to improve the efficiency of visual search.
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Learning Saccadic Eye Movements Using Multiscale Spatial Filters.
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Deictic teleassistance.
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Cross-coding networks for speech classification.
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Hierarchical Self-Organization in Genetic programming.
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Learning by Adapting Representations in Genetic Programming.
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Seeing Behind Occlusions.
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Teleassistance: Contextual Guidance for Autonomous Manipulation.
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Head-centered orientation strategies in animate vision.
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A Role for Anticipation in Reactive Systems that Learn.
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