Fault Modeling, Estimation, and Fault-Tolerant Steering Logic Design for Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyro.
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Fault modeling of general momentum exchange devices in spacecraft attitude control systems.
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Neural-Network-Based Switching Formation Tracking Control of Multiagents With Uncertainties in Constrained Space.
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Active Fault-Tolerant Control System Design for Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers with Actuator Saturation and Faults.
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Event-Triggered Coordination for Formation Tracking Control in Constrained Space With Limited Communication.
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Vision-Based Leader-Follower Formation Control of Multiagents With Visibility Constraints.
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Development of a General Momentum Exchange Devices Fault Model for Spacecraft Fault-Tolerant Control System Design.
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Fault Estimation and Fault-Tolerant Steering Law for Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyro Systems.
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Rigid-body attitude stabilization with attitude and angular rate constraints.
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Formation Potential Field for Trajectory Tracking Control of Multi-Agents in Constrained Space.
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Angular rate constrained attitude reorientation of rigid body.
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Formation Tracking Control of Multiagents in Constrained Space.
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Nano-satellite swarm for SAR applications: design and robust scheduling.
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Design and robust scheduling of nano-satellite swarm for synthetic aperture radar applications.
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Non-model-based robust controller design for flexible Spacecraft.
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A rules and communication based multiple robots transportation system.
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Anwendung der Positivitäts- und H∞-Theorie zum Entwurf robuster Regelungen für flexible Strukturen.
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