A Smart Cache for a SmartNIC! Scaling End-Host Networking to 400Gbps and Beyond.
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Hot Chips Symposium, 2024

The Slow Path Needs an Accelerator Too!
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Bringing Carbon Awareness to Multi-cloud Application Delivery.
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Full-stack SDN.
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Bringing Platform Harmony to VMware NSX.
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A Database Approach to SDN Control Plane Design.
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SDN/NFV-enabled Security Architecture for Fine-grained Policy Enforcement and Threat Mitigation for Enterprise Networks.
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PISCES: A Programmable, Protocol-Independent Software Switch.
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Network Virtualization in Multi-tenant Datacenters.
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Extending Networking into the Virtualization Layer.
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Shredding Your Garbage: Reducing Data Lifetime Through Secure Deallocation.
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Understanding Data Lifetime via Whole System Simulation (Awarded Best Paper!).
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Data lifetime is a systems problem.
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Performance analysis of BSTs in system software.
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