Application of open-source computational tools to focal laser ablation of the prostate.
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Fully automated MR liver volumetry using watershed segmentation coupled with active contouring.
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In vivo MRI based prostate cancer localization with random forests and auto-context model.
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Features extraction of prostate with graph spectral method for prostate cancer detection.
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Graph-based prostate extraction in T2-weighted images for prostate cancer detection.
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In Vivo MRI Based Prostate Cancer Identification with Random Forests and Auto-context Model.
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Reference-tissue correction of T2-weighted signal intensity for prostate cancer detection.
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Cross-Device Automated Prostate Cancer Localization With Multiparametric MRI.
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Representation Learning: A Unified Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate MR Segmentation.
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A study of T2-weighted MR image texture features and diffusion-weighted MR image features for computer-aided diagnosis of prostate cancer.
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Automatic Prostate MR Image Segmentation with Sparse Label Propagation and Domain-Specific Manifold Regularization.
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Computerized segmentation of liver in hepatic CT and MRI by means of level-set geodesic active contouring.
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