A multi-objective meta-heuristic approach for the design and planning of green supply chains - MBSA.
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Symmetry breaking in MILP formulations for Unit Commitment problems.
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Weekly self-scheduling, forward contracting, and pool involvement for an electricity producer. An adaptive robust optimization approach.
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Multi-period design and planning of closed-loop supply chains with uncertain supply and demand.
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Deterministic optimization of the thermal Unit Commitment problem: A Branch and Cut search.
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Addressing the uncertain quality and quantity of returns in closed-loop supply chains.
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Quantifying the impact on distrust of e-commerce trust factors: A non-parametric study.
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Bi-objective optimization approach to the design and planning of supply chains: Economic versus environmental performances.
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Simultaneous design and planning of supply chains with reverse flows: A generic modelling framework.
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A strategic and tactical model for closed-loop supply chains.
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Bilateral Negotiation in a Multi-Agent Energy Market.
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On the Empirical Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Framework for Automated Negotiation.
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Negotiation among autonomous computational agents: principles, analysis and challenges.
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Automated Bilateral Negotiation and Bargaining Impasse.
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The Evolution of Negotiation and Impasse in Two-Party Multi-issue Bargaining.
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Towards an Interdisciplinary Framework for Automated Negotiation.
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An optimization model for the design of a capacitated multi-product reverse logistics network with uncertainty.
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Synthesis and optimization of the recovery route for residual products under uncertain product demand.
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A warehouse-based design model for reverse logistics.
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Optimal design and retrofit of batch plants with a periodic mode of operation.
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A negotiation model for autonomous agents: key features and comparison with existing models.
Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005), 2005

Negotiation Strategies for Autonomous Computational Agents.
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Optimal Design of Heat-Integrated Multipurpose Batch Facilities with Economic Savings in Utilities: A Mixed Integer Mathematical Formulation.
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A negotiation model for autonomous computational agents: Formal description and empirical evaluation.
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Negotiation among Autonomous Computational Agents.
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Conflict and Negotiation among Intentional Agents.
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Conflict Management and Negotiation among Intentional Agents.
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Towards a Generic Negotiation Model for Intentional Agents.
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Negotiation Among Intentional Agents.
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