Discovering abstentionist profiles in 2015 Catalan elections.
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Decision Trees as a Tool for Data Analysis. Elections in Barcelona: A Case Study.
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<i>T</i>-generable indistinguishability operators and their use for feature selection and classification.
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On the relationship between fuzzy description logics and many-valued modal logics.
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Back-and-forth systems for fuzzy first-order models.
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Experiences Using Decision Trees for Knowledge Discovery.
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Löwenheim-Skolem theorems for non-classical first-order algebraizable logics.
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On similarity in fuzzy description logics.
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Smooth Finite T-norms and Their Equational Axiomatization.
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A Logical Study of Local and Global Graded Similarities.
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Local and Global Similarities in Fuzzy Class Theory.
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On Fragments without Implications of both the Full Lambek Logic and some of its Substructural Extensions.
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Towards a Fuzzy Extension of the López de Mántaras Distance.
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Lazy Induction of Descriptions Using Two Fuzzy Versions of the Rand Index.
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