What can Bookmetrix tell us about the impact of Springer Nature's books.
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Fog learning for cultivating critical thinking in information seeking process.
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An analysis of Malaysian retracted papers: Misconduct or mistakes?
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Not so different after all: Malaysian researchers' cross-discipline view of quality and trustworthiness in citation practices.
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LIS journals categorization in the Journal Citation Report: a stated preference study.
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Evaluating the performance of electromagnetic fields (EMF) research work (2003-2013).
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Seeking social support on Facebook for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).
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How do young children engage with mobile apps? Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective perspective.
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Social tagging in a scholarly digital library environment: users' perspectives.
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Semantic method for query translation.
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Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform
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Support system for novice researchers (ssnr): usability evaluation of the first use.
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Using a Task-Based Approach in Evaluating the Usability of BoBIs in an E-book Environment.
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