Antton Gurrutxaga
Orcid: 0000-0001-9490-9992
According to our database1,
Antton Gurrutxaga
authored at least 12 papers
between 2004 and 2022.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Compilación del corpus académico de noveles en euskera HARTAeus y su explotación para el estudio de la fraseología académica.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2022
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, 2018
Fostering digital representation of EU regional and minority languages: the Digital Language Diversity Project.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2016, 2016
Morphological query expansion and language-filtering words for improving Basque web retrieval.
Lang. Resour. Evaluation, 2013
Combining Different Features of Idiomaticity for the Automatic Classification of Noun+Verb Expressions in Basque.
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Multiword Expressions, 2013
Automatic Comparable Web Corpora Collection and Bilingual Terminology Extraction for Specialized Dictionary Making.
Proceedings of the Building and Using Comparable Corpora., 2013
Measuring the compositionality of NV expressions in Basque by means of distributional similarity techniques.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2012
Automatic Extraction of NV Expressions in Basque: Basic Issues on Cooccurrence Techniques.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the Real World, 2011
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008
Analysis and Performance of Morphological Query Expansion and Language-Filtering Words on Basque Web Searching.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2006
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2004