Anthony Watkinson

Orcid: 0000-0002-2317-6557

  • University College London, UK

According to our database1, Anthony Watkinson authored at least 50 papers between 1999 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



The impact of generative AI on the scholarly communications of early career researchers: An international, multi-disciplinary study.
Learn. Publ., October, 2024

Purchase and publish: Early career researchers and open access publishing costs.
Learn. Publ., October, 2024

Are early career researchers feeling the consequences of the COVID pandemic?
Learn. Publ., October, 2024

The impact of AI on the post-pandemic generation of early career researchers: What we know or can predict from the published literature.
Learn. Publ., October, 2024

WhatsApp - what's that?
Learn. Publ., April, 2024

Transforming scholarly communications: The part played by the pandemic and the contribution of early career researchers.
Learn. Publ., October, 2023

The impact of the pandemic on early career researchers' work-life and scholarly communications: A quantitative aerial analysis.
Learn. Publ., April, 2023

'Cracks' in the scholarly communications system: Insights from a longitudinal international study of early career researchers.
Learn. Publ., April, 2023

Outside the library: Early career researchers and use of alternative information sources in pandemic times.
Learn. Publ., April, 2023

Choosing the 'right' journal for publication: Perceptions and practices of pandemic-era early career researchers.
Learn. Publ., 2022

Does the scholarly communication system satisfy the beliefs and aspirations of new researchers? Summarizing the Harbingers research.
Learn. Publ., 2020

A global questionnaire survey of the scholarly communication attitudes and behaviours of early career researchers.
Learn. Publ., 2020

Early career researchers and their authorship and peer review beliefs and practices: An international study.
Learn. Publ., 2020

National comparisons of early career researchers' scholarly communication attitudes and behaviours.
Learn. Publ., 2020

The changed - and changing - landscape of serials publishing: Review of the literature on emerging models.
Learn. Publ., 2020

So, are early career researchers the harbingers of change?
Learn. Publ., 2019

Open science from the standpoint of the new wave of researchers: Views from the scholarly frontline.
Inf. Serv. Use, 2019

What publishers can take away from the latest early career researcher research.
Learn. Publ., 2018

APE 2018 Selected Reports.
Inf. Serv. Use, 2018

Jack Meadows (1934-2016): A tribute to a great information scientist.
Learn. Publ., 2017

No scholar is an island: The impact of sharing in the work life of scholars.
Learn. Publ., 2017

Peer review: The experience and views of early career researchers.
Learn. Publ., 2017

Early career researchers: Scholarly behaviour and the prospect of change.
Learn. Publ., 2017

Early career researchers and their publishing and authorship practices.
Learn. Publ., 2017

Where and how early career researchers find scholarly information.
Learn. Publ., 2017

Chinese researchers, scholarly communication behaviour and trust.
Learn. Publ., 2016

Trustworthiness and authority of scholarly information in a digital age: Results of an international questionnaire.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 2016

Changes in the digital scholarly environment and issues of trust: An exploratory, qualitative analysis.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2016

The Future of the Academic Journal, <i>2nd edn</i>.
Learn. Publ., 2015

Publishing and the Advancement of Science: From Selfish Genes to Galileo's Finger.
Learn. Publ., 2015

Peer review: still king in the digital age.
Learn. Publ., 2015

The role of trust and authority in the citation behaviour of researchers.
Inf. Res., 2015

EASE Science Editors' Handbook, <i>2nd edn</i>.
Learn. Publ., 2014

Trust and Authority in Scholarly Communications in the Light of the Digital Transition: setting the scene for a major study.
Learn. Publ., 2014

Do online communities support research collaboration?
Aslib J. Inf. Manag., 2014

Have digital repositories come of age? The views of library directors.
Webology, 2013

Digital repositories ten years on: what do scientific researchers think of them and how do they use them?
Learn. Publ., 2012

Social media use in the research workflow.
Learn. Publ., 2011

Next Steps in Research, Education and Practice in Digital Curation and Publishing: A Workshop Report from the Fourth Bloomsbury Conference on E-Publishing and E-Publication.
D Lib Mag., 2011

The role and future of the monograph in arts and humanities research.
Aslib Proc., 2009

Obtaining subject data from log files using deep log analysis: case study OhioLINK.
J. Inf. Sci., 2006

The information seeking behaviour of the users of digital scholarly journals.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2006

Engaging with scholarly digital libraries (publisher platforms): The extent to which 'added-value' functions are used.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2006

The Big Deal - ten years on.
Learn. Publ., 2005

Scholarly journal usage: the results of deep log analysis.
J. Documentation, 2005

Digital journals, Big Deals and online searching behaviour: a pilot study.
Aslib Proc., 2003

What's so special about not-for-profit publishers?
Learn. Publ., 2001

Bibliographical information on books: a survey of provision and use in academic and public libraries.
J. Libr. Inf. Sci., 2001

Journal publishing: current issues.
Learn. Publ., 1999

The STM information system: An analysis.
Learn. Publ., 1999
