The frustum network model based on clique extension.
J. Comb. Optim., July, 2024
Enhancing Anti-Money Laundering Efforts with Network-Based Algorithms.
CoRR, 2024
Clique Counts for Network Similarity.
Proceedings of the Modelling and Mining Networks - 19th International Workshop, 2024
Proceedings of the Modelling and Mining Networks - 19th International Workshop, 2024
The one-visibility localization game.
Theor. Comput. Sci., November, 2023
The localization game on oriented graphs.
Discret. Appl. Math., October, 2023
The iterated local transitivity model for hypergraphs.
Discret. Appl. Math., October, 2023
Algorithms for p-Faulty Search on a Half-Line.
Algorithmica, August, 2023
Improved Pyrotechnics: Closer to the Burning Number Conjecture.
Electron. J. Comb., 2023
The localization number and metric dimension of graphs of diameter 2.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2023
The Iterated Local Transitivity Model for Tournaments.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 18th International Workshop, 2023
The localization capture time of a graph.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2022
Iterative models for complex networks formed by extending cliques.
CoRR, 2022
Distinguishing Number of Universal Homogeneous Urysohn Metric Spaces.
Electron. J. Comb., 2022
Winner Does Not Take All: Contrasting Centrality in Adversarial Networks.
Proceedings of the Complex Networks and Their Applications XI, 2022
An Evolving Network Model from Clique Extension.
Proceedings of the Computing and Combinatorics - 28th International Conference, 2022
The game of Cops and Eternal Robbers.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2021
Improved Bounds for Burning Fence Graphs.
Graphs Comb., 2021
Pursuit-evasion games on latin square graphs.
CoRR, 2021
A survey of graph burning.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2021
Small Number of Communities in Twitter Keyword Networks.
Proceedings of the Complex Networks & Their Applications X - Volume 1, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021, Madrid, Spain, November 30, 2021
Bounds on the localization number.
J. Graph Theory, 2020
The iterated local model for social networks.
Discret. Appl. Math., 2020
The localization number of designs.
CoRR, 2020
Probabilistically Faulty Searching on a Half-Line.
CoRR, 2020
Iterated Global Models for Complex Networks.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 17th International Workshop, 2020
The Iterated Local Directed Transitivity Model for Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 17th International Workshop, 2020
Probabilistically Faulty Searching on a Half-Line - (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the LATIN 2020: Theoretical Informatics, 2020
Bounds on the burning numbers of spiders and path-forests.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2019
Hyperopic Cops and Robbers.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2019
Geometric random graphs and Rado sets in sequence spaces.
Eur. J. Comb., 2019
Cop throttling number: Bounds, values, and variants.
CoRR, 2019
A Sublinear Bound on the Cop Throttling Number of a Graph.
CoRR, 2019
Approximation Algorithms for Graph Burning.
Proceedings of the Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 2019
Centrality in Dynamic Competition Networks.
Proceedings of the Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII, 2019
The robot crawler graph process.
Discret. Appl. Math., 2018
Bounds on the burning number.
Discret. Appl. Math., 2018
Dynamic Competition Networks: Detecting Alliances and Leaders.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 15th International Workshop, 2018
The Game of Overprescribed Cops and Robbers Played on Graphs.
Graphs Comb., 2017
Cops and Robbers ordinals of cop-win trees.
Discret. Math., 2017
Discret. Appl. Math., 2017
Topological directions in Cops and Robbers.
CoRR, 2017
Introduction to the Special section on Aadvanced Computing in Networking and Intelligent Systems.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2017
Characterizations and algorithms for generalized Cops and Robbers games.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2017
Common Adversaries Form Alliances: Modelling Complex Networks via Anti-transitivity.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 14th International Workshop, 2017
A probabilistic version of the game of Zombies and Survivors on graphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2016
The Structure and Automorphisms of Semi-directed Graphs.
J. Multiple Valued Log. Soft Comput., 2016
Special Issue on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph.
Internet Math., 2016
Mining and Modeling Character Networks.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 13th International Workshop, 2016
Lazy Cops and Robbers on Hypercubes.
Comb. Probab. Comput., 2015
The Robot Crawler Number of a Graph.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 12th International Workshop, 2015
The Domination Number of On-line Social Networks and Random Geometric Graphs.
Proceedings of the Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 2015
Independence densities of hypergraphs.
Eur. J. Comb., 2014
Toppling numbers of complete and random graphs.
Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 2014
Dimensionality of social networks using motifs and eigenvalues.
CoRR, 2014
A note on bounds for the cop number using tree decompositions.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2014
On the minimum order of $k$-cop win graphs.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2014
Burning a Graph as a Model of Social Contagion.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph - 11th International Workshop, 2014
Vertex-Pursuit in Random Directed Acyclic Graphs.
SIAM J. Discret. Math., 2013
Models of on-line social networks.
CoRR, 2013
The Capture Time of the Hypercube.
Electron. J. Comb., 2013
Fighting constrained fires in graphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2012
Introduction to the Special Issue on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph.
Internet Math., 2012
Geometric Protean Graphs.
Internet Math., 2012
Almost all cop-win graphs contain a universal vertex.
Discret. Math., 2012
Distinguishing homomorphisms of infinite graphs.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2012
Vertex-Pursuit in Hierarchical Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 2012
Infinite Random Geometric Graphs from the Hexagonal Metric.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial Algorithms, 23rd International Workshop, 2012
Cops and Robbers from a distance.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2010
Large classes of infinite <i>k</i>-cop-win graphs.
J. Graph Theory, 2010
All countable monoids embed into the monoid of the infinite random graph.
Discret. Math., 2010
Bounds and constructions for n-e.c. tournaments.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2010
A Geometric Model for On-line Social Networks.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Online Social Networks, 2010
The Geometric Protean Model for On-Line Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph - 7th International Workshop, 2010
The <i>n</i>-ordered graphs: A new graph class.
J. Graph Theory, 2009
Models of Online Social Networks.
Internet Math., 2009
Open Letter to the Internet Mathematics Community.
Internet Math., 2009
The good, the bad, and the great: Homomorphisms and cores of random graphs.
Discret. Math., 2009
The capture time of a graph.
Discret. Math., 2009
The search for N-e.c. graphs.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2009
A Dynamic Model for On-Line Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, 6th International Workshop, 2009
Pursuit and Evasion from a Distance: Algorithms and Bounds.
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics, 2009
A Spatial Web Graph Model with Local Influence Regions.
Internet Math., 2008
A note on domination parameters in random graphs.
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 2008
Graphs with the n-e.c. adjacency property constructed from affine planes.
Discret. Math., 2008
Pursuit-Evasion in Models of Complex Networks.
Internet Math., 2007
Infinite Limits and Adjacency Properties of a Generalized Copying Model.
Internet Math., 2007
A note on uniquely <i>H</i>-colorable graphs.
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 2007
The cop density of a graph.
Contributions Discret. Math., 2007
Vertex Pursuit Games in Stochastic Network Models.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 4th Workshop, 2007
Spanning subgraphs of graphs partitioned into two isomorphic pieces.
J. Graph Theory, 2006
Mutually embeddable graphs and the tree alternative conjecture.
J. Comb. Theory B, 2006
On an adjacency property of almost all tournaments.
Discret. Math., 2006
A note on orientations of the infinite random graph.
Eur. J. Comb., 2004
On a Problem of Cameron's on Inexhaustible Graphs.
Comb., 2004
Limits and Power Laws of Models for the Web Graph and Other Networked Information Spaces.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 2004
A Survey of Models of the Web Graph.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 2004
Large families of mutually embeddable vertex-transitive graphs.
J. Graph Theory, 2003
Partitioning a graph into two isomorphic pieces.
J. Graph Theory, 2003
Infinite Limits of Copying Models of the Web Graph.
Internet Math., 2003
Homomorphisms and amalgamation.
Discret. Math., 2003
Generalized Pigeonhole Properties of Graphs and Oriented Graphs<sup>*1</sup>.
Eur. J. Comb., 2002
A family of universal pseudo-homogeneous G-colourable graphs.
Discret. Math., 2002
Skolem arrays and skolem labellings of ladder graphs.
Ars Comb., 2002
Metrically Universal Generic Structures in Free Amalgamation Classes.
Math. Log. Q., 2001
On an adjacency property of almost all graphs.
Discret. Math., 2001
Hadamard Matrices and Strongly Regular Graphs with the 3-e.c. Adjacency Property.
Electron. J. Comb., 2001
Constrained classes closed under unions and ne.c. structures.
Ars Comb., 2001
On 2-e.c. graphs, tournaments, and hypergraphs.
Electron. Notes Discret. Math., 2000
A Pigeonhole Property for Relational Structures.
Math. Log. Q., 1999