Andreas Bauer

  • Universität Augsburg, Germany
  • TU Munich, Department of Informatics (former)
  • National Information Communications Technology Australia (NICTA) (former)
  • Australian National University, School of Computer Science (former)

According to our database1, Andreas Bauer authored at least 42 papers between 2003 and 2016.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Decentralised LTL monitoring.
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 2016

The ins and outs of first-order runtime verification.
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 2015

Monitoring Real Android Malware.
Proceedings of the Runtime Verification - 6th International Conference, 2015

Platform-Centric Android Monitoring - Modular and Efficient.
CoRR, 2014

Tableaux for Verification of Data-Centric Processes.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 2013

From Propositional to First-Order Monitoring.
Proceedings of the Runtime Verification - 4th International Conference, 2013

Reasoning with Data-Centric Business Processes
CoRR, 2012

Runtime Verification Meets Android Security.
Proceedings of the NASA Formal Methods, 2012

Runtime Verification for LTL and TLTL.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2011

Run-Time Security Traceability for Evolving Systems.
Comput. J., 2011

The Theory and Practice of SALT.
Proceedings of the NASA Formal Methods, 2011

Don't care in SMT: building flexible yet efficient abstraction/refinement solvers.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 2010

Comparing LTL Semantics for Runtime Verification.
J. Log. Comput., 2010

Monitorability of omega-regular languages
CoRR, 2010

Runtime verification of cryptographic protocols.
Comput. Secur., 2010

LTL Goal Specifications Revisited.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2010, 2010

An Integrated Modelling, Debugging, and Visualisation Environment for G12.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2010, 2010

Prognosis of <i>omega</i>-Languages for the Diagnosis of <i>*</i>-Languages: A Topological Perspective.
Discret. Event Dyn. Syst., 2009

A decidable policy language for history-based transaction monitoring
CoRR, 2009

A Novel Architecture for Situation Awareness Systems.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 2009

Matching Trace Patterns with Regular Policies.
Proceedings of the Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 2009

A First-Order Policy Language for History-Based Transaction Monitoring.
Proceedings of the Theoretical Aspects of Computing, 2009

Runtime Verification Using a Temporal Description Logic.
Proceedings of the Frontiers of Combining Systems, 7th International Symposium, 2009

Matching linear and non-linear trace patterns with regular policies.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Unification, 2008

Security protocols, properties, and their monitoring.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, 2008

Tools for Traceable Security Verification.
Proceedings of the Visions of Computer Science, 2008

The Theory and Practice of Runtime Reflection - A Model-based Framework for Dynamic Analysis of Distributed Reactive Systems.
VDM, ISBN: 978-3-8364-7441-2, 2008

Model-based runtime analysis of distributed reactive systems.
PhD thesis, 2007

Das AutoMoDe-Projekt.
Inform. Forsch. Entwickl., 2007

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, But How Ugly Is Ugly?
Proceedings of the Runtime Verification, 7th International Workshop, 2007

Compatibility and reuse in component-based systems via type and unit inference.
Proceedings of the 33rd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007), 2007

Tool-support for the analysis of hybrid systems and models.
Proceedings of the 2007 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exposition, 2007

SALT - Structured Assertion Language for Temporal Logic.
Proceedings of the Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 2006

Monitoring of Real-Time Properties.
Proceedings of the FSTTCS 2006: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 2006

Model-based runtime analysis of distributed reactive systems.
Proceedings of the 17th Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2006), 2006

Integrierte Entwicklung von Automotive-Software mit AutoFocus.
Inform. Forsch. Entwickl., 2005

AutoMoDe - Model-Based Development of Automotive Software.
Proceedings of the 2005 Design, 2005

Simplifying Diagnosis Using LSAT: A Propositional Approach to Reasoning from First Principles.
Proceedings of the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 2005

Creating a Portable Programming Language Using Open Source Software.
Proceedings of the FREENIX Track: 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 27, 2004

A Brief Top-Down and Bottom-Up Philosophy on Software Evolution.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2004), 2004

Loose synchronization of event-triggered networks for distribution of synchronous programs.
Proceedings of the EMSOFT 2004, 2004

The Contribution of Free Software to Software Evolution.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2003), 2003
