Andrea Adami
Orcid: 0000-0001-8600-7753
According to our database1,
Andrea Adami
authored at least 21 papers
between 2006 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
A Fingertip-Mimicking 12$\times$16 200 $\mu$m-Resolution e-Skin Taxel Readout Chip With Per-Taxel Spiking Readout and Embedded Receptive Field Processing.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., December, 2024
IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag., December, 2023
A Fingertip-Mimicking 12×16 200μm-Resolution e-skin Taxel Readout Chip with per-Taxel Spiking Readout and Embedded Receptive Field Processing.
Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits), 2023
Supplementary Material: Design of experiment rational optimization of an inkjet deposition of silver on Kapton.
Dataset, May, 2022
A low-power 6-bit successive approximation register ADC using a new split capacitor array method.
Proceedings of the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuit and Systems, 2021
Microcantilever Based Dual Mode Optical Biosensor for Agricultural Pathogen Detection.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE SENSORS, New Delhi, India, October 28-31, 2018, 2018
J. Sensors, 2016
The Gonzagas' palace: Architecture of time. an interactive application for the discovery of the architectural history of Palazzo Ducale in Mantua.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia, 2016
The e-cardiac rehabilitation service: An integrated system for Home-Care Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, 2016
UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Integrated Technologies for Architectural Applications - Methodological Strategies for the After-Quake Survey of Vertical Structures in Mantua (Italy).
Sensors, 2015
BIM: An integrated model for planned and preventive maintenance of architectural heritage.
Proceedings of the 2nd Digital Heritage International Congress, 2015
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2014
Different Photogrammetric Approaches to 3D Survey of the Mausoleum of Romulus in Rome.
Proceedings of the 12th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 2014
A Comparison between Time-Frequency and Cepstral Feature Representations for the Classification of Seismic-Volcanic Signals.
Proceedings of the Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, 2014
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2013
Etruscanning 3D. The Etruscan grave n.5 of Monte Michele in Veii: From the digital documentation to the virtual reconstruction and communication.
Proceedings of the 1st Digital Heritage International Congress, 2013
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, 2012
A Micro Polymerase Chain Reaction Module for Integrated and Portable DNA Analysis Systems.
J. Sensors, 2011
An analog readout circuit with offset calibration for cantiliver-based DNA detection.
Proceedings of the 37th European Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2011
PhD thesis, 2010
A CMOS Interface for a Gas-Sensor Array with a 0.5%-Linearity over 500kΧ-to-1GΧ Range and 2.5°C Temperature Control Accuracy.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference, 2006