Ana Regina Cavalcanti da Rocha
Orcid: 0000-0003-2269-5619
According to our database1,
Ana Regina Cavalcanti da Rocha
authored at least 178 papers
between 1994 and 2023.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Twenty one years of SBQS (2002 to 2022): A Comprehensive Descriptive and Meta-Scientific Analysis.
Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2023
Proceedings of the SBQS '21: XX Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, Virtual Event, Brazil, November 8, 2021
Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2020
Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2020
Characterization of Brazilian Software Startups Focusing on Processes, Product Quality and IT Governance.
Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2020
Identification of quality characteristics in mobile applications.
Proceedings of the XXIII Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2020
Proceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2019
Proceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2019
Proceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2019
Proceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2019
Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2018
Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2018
QPS - Modelo para Avaliação da Qualidade de Produtos de Software: Resultados Iniciais.
Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2017
Software Testing Process in a Test Factory - From Ad hoc Activities to an Organizational Standard.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2017, 2017
Infraestrutura para um Corpo de Conhecimento em Melhoria de Processos de Software Baseado no MR-MPS-SW.
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2016
MR-MPS-SW e CERTICS: Mapeamento e Diretrizes para a Implantação Conjunta dos Modelos.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2015
A Proposal for the Improvement of Project's Cost Predictability Using Earned Value Management and Historical Data of Cost - An Empirical Study.
Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 2015
CLEI Electron. J., 2015
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2015
Instanciação e Execução das Atividades do Processo de Análise de Desempenho de Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2015
An Evaluation of Software Process Performance Analysis Activities: Insights from Different Viewpoints.
Proceedings of the 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2015
Una Experiencia de Implementación Multimodelo de Alta Madurez con CMMI y MPS-SW en Sofrecom Argentina.
Proceedings of the XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2015
Towards Successful Software Process Improvement Initiatives: Experiences from the Battlefield.
Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015
Scaling up a Project Portfolio Selection Technique by using Multiobjective Genetic Optimization.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2014
Applying grounded theory to understand software process improvement implementation: a study of Brazilian software organizations.
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2014
A Body of Knowledge for Executing Performance Analysis of Software Processes.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2014
Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2014
A Proposal for the Improvement of Project's Cost Predictability Using Earned Value Management and Quality Data - An Empirical Study.
Proceedings of the Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, 2014
Supporting software process performance analysis through a knowledge-based environment.
Proceedings of the XL Latin American Computing Conference, 2014
Conjunto de Recomendações para Medição de Software Visando ao Controle Estatístico de Processos.
Proceedings of the XVII Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2014
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2013
Towards a strategy for analysing benefits of Software Process Improvement programs.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2013
Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2013
Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2013
Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2013
A Proposal for the Improvement Predictability of Cost Using Earned Value Management and Quality Data.
Proceedings of the Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, 2013
A proposal for the improvement of the technique of EVM utilizing the history of performance data.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2012), 2012
A proposal for the improvement of the technique of Earned Value Management utilizing the history of performance data.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2012), 2012
Definição de Processos de Aquisição de Software com Uso de Abordagem baseada em Reutilização.
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2012
Metodologia para Definição de Instrumentos de Apoio a Iniciativas de Melhoria de Processos de Software Multi-Modelos Baseadas nos Modelos MR-MPS e CMMI-DEV.
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2012
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2012
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2012
Uma Abordagem para Definição de Processos Baseada em Reutilização Visando à Alta Maturidade em Processos.
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2012
Strategic Alignment between Academy and Industry: A Virtuous Cycle to Promote Innovation in Technology.
Proceedings of the 26th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2012
MPS.BR Program and MPS Model: Main Results, Benefits and Beneficiaries of Software Process Improvement in Brazil.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2012
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2012
Using a Reference Domain Ontology for Developing a Software Measurement Strategy for High Maturity Organizations.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, 2012
Using Grounded Theory to Acquire Knowledge About Critical Success Factors for Conducting Software Process Improvement Implementation Initiatives.
Int. J. Knowl. Manag., 2011
Uma Investigação sobre os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso em Iniciativas de Melhoria de Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2011
Implementação do Nível F do MR-MPS com Práticas Ágeis do Scrum em uma Fábrica de Software.
Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2011
Proceedings of the 25th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2011
Software Project Portfolio Selection A Modern Portfolio Theory Based Technique.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2010), Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, July 1, 2010
Implantação do Processo Aquisição no Contexto do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software na Synapsis Brasil.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
Aplicação de Grounded Theory para Investigar Iniciativas de Implementação de Melhorias em Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
Aplicação do Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia para uma Técnica de Inspeção de Usabilidade.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
Análise da Estrutura e Conteúdo de uma Base de Medidas Visando ao Controle Estatístico de Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
Uma Estratégia para Medição de Software e Avaliação de Bases de Medidas para Controle Estatístico de Processos de Software em Organizações de Alta Maturidade.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
IABM: Instrumento para Avaliação de Bases de Medidas para Controle Estatístico de Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2010
MPS.BR: A Tale of Software Process Improvement and Performance Results in the Brazilian Software Industry.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
An Approach to Implement Software Process Improvement in Small and Mid Sized Organizations.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
Analyzing the Similarity among Software Projects to Improve Software Project Monitoring Processes.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
Supporting the Definition of Software Processes at Consulting Organizations via Software Process Lines.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
Establishing a Well-Founded Conceptualization about Software Measurement in High Maturity Levels.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
Proceedings of the Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2010
Towards an Approach to Support Software Process Simulation in Small and Medium Enterprises.
Proceedings of the 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2010
Evaluating the suitability of a measurement repository for statistical process control.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2010
A Well-Founded Software Process Behavior Ontology to Support Business Goals Monitoring in High Maturity Software Organizations.
Proceedings of the Workshops Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2010
MPS.BR: Promovendo a Adoção de Boas Práticas de Engenharia de Software pela Indústria Brasileira.
Proceedings of the 13th Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2010
Softw. Process. Improv. Pract., 2009
A Real Execution of a Software Process Improvement: An Opportunity to Execute a Combination of Approaches.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2009), 2009
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2009
Uma Abordagem para Gerência Estratégica de Portfólio com Foco na Seleção de Projetos.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2009
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2009
Lições Aprendidas em uma Iniciativa de Melhoria de Processos de Software sob Diferentes Perspectivas: Membros da Organização, Implementadores e Avaliadores.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2009
Definição e Monitoração de Objetivos de Software Alinhados ao Planejamento Estratégico.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2009
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2009
Software Process Improvement: Supporting the Linking of the Software and the Business Strategies.
Proceedings of the Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2009
Softw. Process. Improv. Pract., 2008
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2008
Aplicação da Estratégia SPI-KM para Apoiar a Implementação do MPS.BR Níveis G e F em Pequenas e Médias Empresas do Rio de Janeiro.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2008
Uma Estratégia de Gerência de Configuração de Ativos de Processos de Software Apoiada por um Ambiente de Engenharia de Software Centrado em Processos.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2008
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2008
Desenvolvimento de um Ambiente de Apoio à Tomada de Decisões em Projetos de Software.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2008
Avaliação de Bases de Medidas considerando sua Aplicabilidade ao Controle Estatístico de Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2008
A Knowledge Management Approach to Support Software Process Improvement Implementation Initiatives.
Proceedings of the Software Process Improvement, 15th European Conference, 2008
An Approach to Evaluate and Improve the Organizational Processes Assets: the First Experience of Use.
Proceedings of the Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering, 2008
Uma Metodologia para Desenvolvimento de Modelos de Desempenho de Processos para Gerência Quantitativa de Projetos de Software.
Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2007
Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2007
Uma Abordagem para Controle Estatístico do Processo e Gerência Quantitativa de Projetos.
Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2007
Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2007
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2007
Implementing Software Process Improvement Initiatives in Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in Brazil.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2007
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2007
SPI-KM - Lessons Learned from Applying a Software Process Improvement Strategy Supported by Knowledge Management.
Proceedings of the Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2007
MPS Model and TABA Workstation: Implementing Software Process Improvement Initiatives in Small Settings.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Quality, 2007
Applying ISO 9001: 2000, MPS.BR and CMMI to Achieve Software Process Maturity: BL Informatica's Pathway.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), 2007
A Methodology for Identifying Critical Success Factors That Influence Software Process Improvement Initiatives: An Application in the Brazilian Software Industry.
Proceedings of the Software Process Improvement, 14th European Conference, 2007
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Caracterização do Estado da Prática das Atividades de Teste em um Cenário de Desenvolvimento de Software Brasileiro.
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Uma Abordagem de Garantia de Qualidade de Processos e Produtos de Software com Apoio de Gerência de Conhecimento na Estação TABA.
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Uma Abordagem de Apoio à Solução Técnica em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados à Organização.
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
ISO 9001: 2000, MPS.BR Nível F e CMMI Nível 3: Uma Estratégia de Melhoria de Processos na BL Informática.
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2006
Taba Workstation: Supporting Software Process Deployment Based on CMMI and MR-MPS.BR.
Proceedings of the Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2006
Taba Workstation: Supporting Technical Solution Through Knowledge Management of Design Rationale.
Proceedings of the Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 6th International Conference, 2006
Taba Workstation: Supporting Software Process Improvement Initiatives Based on Software Standards and Maturity Models.
Proceedings of the Software Process Improvement, 13th European Conference, 2006
Proceedings of the Ontologies for Software Engineering and Software Technology, 2006
The Use of an Enterprise Ontology to Support Knowledge Management in Software Development Environments.
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2005
On the Importance Attributed to Different Knowledge in Software Development Environments.
Proceedings of the WM 2005: Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions, Contributions to the 3rd Conference Professional Knowledge Management, 2005
Knowledge Management in a Software Development Environment to Support Software Processes Deployment.
Proceedings of the Professional Knowledge Management, Third Biennial Conference, 2005
Using a Software Development Environment with Knowledge Management to Support Deploying Software Processes in Small and Medium Size Companies.
Proceedings of the WM 2005: Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions, Contributions to the 3rd Conference Professional Knowledge Management, 2005
Modelo de Referência e Método de Avaliação para Melhoria de Processo de Software - versão 1.0 (MR-MPS e MA-MPS).
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Estratégia para Melhoria de Processos em Conformidade com o CMMI e o MR mps Br no BNDES.
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Estação TABA: Uma Infra-estrutura para Implantação do Modelo de Referência para Melhoria de Processo de Software.
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Apoio à Área de Processo Verificação de Software em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados a Organização.
Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2005
Enterprise-Oriented Software Development Environments to Support Software Products and Processes Quality Improvement.
Proceedings of the Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 2005
Proceedings of the Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 2005
Proceedings of the Computer and Information Sciences, 2005
Proceedings of the Software Process Improvement, 12th European Conference, 2005
Definição e Construção de Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados a Organização.
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Definição de Processos em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados a Organização.
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Apoio à Interação entre Processos de Negócio e de Software através de Gerência do Conhecimento.
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Gerência de Configuração em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados a Organização.
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Planejamento de Custos em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados à Organização.
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Consequências e Características de um Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software de Qualidade e Aspectos que o influenciam: uma avaliação de especialistas.
Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2004
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2004
Proceedings of the Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 5th International Conference, 2004
Proceedings of the Advances in Learning Software Organizations, 6th International Workshop, 2004
Knowledge Acquisition and Communities of Practice: An Approach to Convert Individual Knowledge into Multi-organizational Knowledge.
Proceedings of the Advances in Learning Software Organizations, 6th International Workshop, 2004
CORE-KM: a customizable knowledge management environment.
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2004, 2004
Proceedings of the WM 2003: Professionelles Wissensmanagement, 2003
Estratégias de Aquisição e Disseminação de Conhecimento para Apoiar o Desenvolvimento de Software com o RUP.
Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2003
Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2003
Planejamento de Riscos em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados à Organização.
Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2003
Utilização de Métodos Paramétricos, Analogias, Julgamento de Especialistas e Conhecimento Organizacional no Planejamento de Tempo e Custos de Projetos de Software.
Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2003
Proceedings of the AMIA 2003, 2003
Proceedings of the AMIA 2003, 2003
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and knowledge engineering, 2002
Melhoria de Processos de Software e Evolução de Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software com base no Conhecimento do Domínio e na Cultura Organizacional.
Proceedings of the 1st Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2002
Apoio à Elaboração de Propostas de Projetos de Software através de um Ambiente de Gestão do Conhecimento.
Proceedings of the 1st Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 2002
Proceedings of the Mobile Computing in Medicine, 2002
Gestão de Conhecimento em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software.
Proceedings of 2nd Ibero-American Symposium on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (JIISIC'02), 2002
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2002
Estendendo a Estação TABA para a criação de Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientados a Organização.
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2001
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2001
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2001
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2001
CardioSurgery: An Environment to Support Surgical Planning and Follow-up in Cardiology.
Proceedings of WebNet 2000 - World Conference on the WWW and Internet, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 30, 2000
Developing Website with a Business and a Software Engineering Approach.
Proceedings of WebNet 2000 - World Conference on the WWW and Internet, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 30, 2000
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2000
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2000
Assist-Pro: Um Assistente Baseado em Conhecimento para Apoiar a Definição de Processos de Software.
Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1999
Proceedings of the AMIA 1999, 1999
A Web Process Support System For Distributed Working Groups.
Proceedings of WebNet 98, 1998
An O.O. Software Engineering Training Experience within a Collaboration Project between Academia and Industry.
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1998: 27th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1998
Proceedings of the Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 1998
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 1997
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1997: 24th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1997
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1997
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1997
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Medicine, 1997
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1995
Proceedings of the 1995 ACM symposium on applied computing, 1995
An Expert System for Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Software Quality Assurance Procedures.
Proceedings of the European Symposium on the Validation and Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems, 1995
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1994
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1994