Amin Hammad

Orcid: 0000-0002-2507-4976

According to our database1, Amin Hammad authored at least 48 papers between 2005 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Simulation-Based Optimization of Path Planning for Camera-Equipped UAVs That Considers the Location and Time of Construction Activities.
Remote. Sens., July, 2024

Improving single-stage activity recognition of excavators using knowledge distillation of temporal gradient data.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng., July, 2024

Improving the performance of RRT path planning of excavators by embedding heuristic rules.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2024

Street closure prediction based on the combined conditions of spatially collocated municipal infrastructure assets at the segment level.
Expert Syst. Appl., June, 2023

Point Cloud-Based Concrete Surface Defect Semantic Segmentation.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., March, 2023

Adaptive Cloud-to-Cloud (AC2C) Comparison Method for Photogrammetric Point Cloud Error Estimation Considering Theoretical Error Space.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional CNN-Based Simultaneous Detection and Activity Classification of Construction Workers.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2022

Critical Review and Road Map of Automated Methods for Earthmoving Equipment Productivity Monitoring.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2022

Automatic Identification of Idling Reasons in Excavation Operations Based on Excavator-Truck Relationships.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2021

A framework for asset management planning in sustainable and resilient cities.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, 2021

Integrating Variance Reduction Techniques and Parallel Computing in Construction Simulation Optimization.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2019

Case study on application of wireless ultra-wideband technology for tracking equipment on a congested site.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2019

Framework for Location Data Fusion and Pose Estimation of Excavators Using Stereo Vision.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2018

4D Simulation Considering Adjusted Schedules for Safety Planning in Hydroelectric Projects.
Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2018

PPP Cost-Sharing of Multi-purpose Utility Tunnels.
Proceedings of the Advanced Computing Strategies for Engineering, 2018

Simulation-Based Optimization of Surveillance Camera Types, Number, and Placement in Buildings Using BIM.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2017

A novel method for calculating camera coverage in buildings using BIM.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2017

Criticality visualization using 4D simulation for major capital projects.
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, 2017

Extending IFC to incorporate information of RFID tags attached to building elements.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2016

Reducing computation time of stochastic simulation-based optimization using parallel computing on a single mutli-core system.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2016

Dynamic equipment workspace generation for improving earthwork safety using real-time location system.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2015

Joint probability for evaluating the schedule and cost of stochastic simulation models.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2015

Lifecycle evaluation of building sustainability using BIM and RTLS.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

Simulation-based multiobjective optimization of bridge construction processes using parallel computing.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

Monitoring occupancy and office equipment energy consumption using real-time location system and wireless energy meters.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

A novel integrated approach to project-level automated machine control/guidance systems in construction projects.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2013

Localization of RFID-equipped assets during the operation phase of facilities.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2013

Location-aware real-time simulation framework for earthmoving projects using automated machine guidance.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulations Conference: Simulation Making Decisions in a Complex World, 2013

Design of RFID-Enabled Aircraft Reverse Logistics Network Simulation.
Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, 2013

Enhancing Cluster-based RFID Tag Localization using artificial neural networks and virtual reference tags.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2013

Multiparty/multimedia conferencing in mobile Ad Hoc networks for improving communications between firefighters.
Proceedings of the ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2013

Near Real-Time Motion Planning and Simulation of Cranes in Construction: Framework and System Architecture.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2012

Crane Pose Estimation Using UWB Real-Time Location System.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2012

Multiagent Approach for Real-Time Collision Avoidance and Path Replanning for Cranes.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2012

Improving lifting motion planning and re-planning of cranes with consideration for safety and efficiency.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2012

Towards the smart construction site: improving productivity and safety of construction projects using multi-agent systems, real-time simulation and automated machine control.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2012

Automatic generation of dynamic virtual fences as part of BIM-based prevention program for construction safety.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2012

Role-based access to facilities lifecycle information on RFID tags.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2011

Towards real-time simulation of construction activities considering spatio-temporal resolution requirements for improving safety and productivity.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2011, 2011

Multi-touch screens for navigating 3D virtual environments in participatory urban planning.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2011

Automated Code Compliance Checking for Building Envelope Design.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2010

Collaborative multi-agent systems for construction equipment based on real-time field data capturing.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2009

Lifecycle management of facilities components using radio frequency identification and building information model.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2009

Data Protection on RFID-Based Distributed Storage.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 2009

Agent-based simulation for collaborative cranes.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2007

Mobile Model-Based Bridge Lifecycle Management System.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng., 2006

Sensitivity analysis of construction simulation using Cell-DEVS and microcyclone.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference WSC 2006, 2006

Representation and analysis of spatial resources in construction simulation.
Proceedings of the 37th Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4-7, 2005, 2005
