Alyani Ismail
Orcid: 0000-0002-3085-4889
According to our database1,
Alyani Ismail
authored at least 38 papers
between 2007 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
An Assessment of Extrapolated Field Strengths Versus Distance, Measurement Time, and Induced Traffic From 5G Base Station in C-Band.
IEEE Access, 2024
Cloudlet Based Computing Optimization Using Variable-Length Whale Optimization and Differential Evolution.
IEEE Access, 2023
Evaluation of 5G Coexistence and Interference Signals in the C-Band Satellite Earth Station.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2022
The Development of EthoshuntTM to Transform Teaching and Learning Practices of Counseling Ethics Education.
Proceedings of the Proceeding of the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education, 2022
Passive Forward-Scattering Radar Using Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Signal for Drone Detection.
Remote. Sens., 2020
ON-OFF Body Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Antenna for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN): A Review.
IEEE Access, 2020
Low-Slow-Small (LSS) Target Detection Based on Micro Doppler Analysis in Forward Scattering Radar Geometry.
Sensors, 2019
Sensors, 2019
YIG Thick Film as Substrate Overlay for Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Patch Antenna.
IEEE Access, 2018
A New Intrusion Detection System Based on Fast Learning Network and Particle Swarm Optimization.
IEEE Access, 2018
Low cost coplanar UHF RFID tag antenna using U-shaped feeder for metallic applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, 2016
Development of a Hydrogen Gas Sensor Using a Double Saw Resonator System at Room Temperature.
Sensors, 2015
A new technique for multi-cell joint channel estimation in time division code division multiple access based on reduced rank singular value decomposition.
Wirel. Networks, 2014
An Aligned-Gap and Centered-Gap Rectangular Multiple Split Ring Resonator for Dielectric Sensing Applications.
Sensors, 2014
A survey on energy awareness mechanisms in routing protocols for wireless sensor networks using optimization methods.
Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol., 2014
Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies, 2014
Analysis and modeling of the cloud impairments of satellite-to-land mobile channel at Ku and Ka bands.
Proceedings of the 7th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop, 2014
Efficient Back-off Mechanism for Multimedia Support in 802.11e EDCA Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2013
Reduced Rank Technique for Joint Channel Estimation and Joint Data Detection in TD-SCDMA Systems.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2013
Mobile Station Movement Direction Prediction (MMDP) Based Handover Scanning for Mobile WiMAX System.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2013
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2013
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2013
RRSEB: A Reliable Routing Scheme for Energy-balancing Using a Self-adaptive Method in Wireless Sensor Networks.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2013
Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, 2013
A Self-Optimizing Scheme for Energy Balanced Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using SensorAnt.
Sensors, 2012
An improved routing mechanism using bio-inspired for energy balancing in wireless sensor networks.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Networking, 2012
Carbon nanotube - Poly pyrrol based microwave resonant circuit for napropamide detection.
Proceedings of the IEEE 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2011
Enhancement of packet reordering in a mobile stream control transmission protocol for a heterogeneous wireless network vertical handover.
J. High Speed Networks, 2010
Centralized Routing and Scheduling Using Multi-Channel System Single Transceiver in 802.16d.
Proceedings of the Ad Hoc Networks, First International Conference, 2009
The performance evaluation of combined CDMA-SDMA multi-user detection with parallel interference cancellation.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2007