Alin Coman
According to our database1,
Alin Coman
authored at least 12 papers
between 2012 and 2022.
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The impact of information sources on COVID-19 knowledge accumulation and vaccination intention.
Int. J. Data Sci. Anal., 2022
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021
Lexical Associations in a Native and Non-Native Language Affect Retrieval Induced Forgetting.
Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020
Self-Other Similarity Modulates the Socially-Triggered Context-Based Prediction Error Effect on Memory.
Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020
Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020
The Ties that Bind Networks: Weak Ties Facilitate the Emergence of Collective Memories.
CoRR, 2017
Forgetting My Memories by Listening to Yours: The Impact of Perspective-Taking on Socially-Triggered Context-Based Prediction Error.
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul., 2014
Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014
Distributed remembering in a social context: Effects of communicating a shared past on what is remembered.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013
Proceedings of the Social Computing, Behavioral - Cultural Modeling and Prediction, 2012