Alfredo Fernández-Landa
Orcid: 0000-0003-4725-8044
According to our database1,
Alfredo Fernández-Landa
authored at least 10 papers
between 2016 and 2023.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Analysis of Deformation Dynamics in Guatemala City Metropolitan Area Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry.
Remote. Sens., September, 2023
EyeRADAR-Dam: Integration of MT-InSAR with monitoring technologies in a pilot monitoring system for embankment dams.
Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2023 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist, 2023
Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Mediterranean Forests Integrating Landsat Time Series and a Single Coverage of ALS Data.
Remote. Sens., 2021
A Model-Based Volume Estimator that Accounts for Both Land Cover Misclassification and Model Prediction Uncertainty.
Remote. Sens., 2020
Assessing the transferability of airborne laser scanning and digital aerial photogrammetry derived growing stock volume models.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 2020
City-EYE a platform for the surveillance and management of built-up area and infrastructures.
Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2020 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2020 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2020, 2020
Integration of UAV, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 Data for Mangrove Plantation Aboveground Biomass Monitoring in Senegal.
Remote. Sens., 2019
Estimating Forest Volume and Biomass and Their Changes Using Random Forests and Remotely Sensed Data.
Remote. Sens., 2019
Species' habitat use inferred from environmental variables at multiple scales: How much we gain from high-resolution vegetation data?
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 2017
An Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in the Context of REDD+ Mechanisms. A Case Study from Costa Rica.
Remote. Sens., 2016