Aihua Zhang

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.

Known people with the same name:


Regularized Sparse Bayesian Learning Based Channel Estimation for RIS-Assisted Wireless Communication System.
IEEE Commun. Lett., June, 2024

Two-Stage Based Partial Online Optimization Channel Prediction for Massive MIMO in High-Mobility.
IEEE Commun. Lett., February, 2024

A robust direct linear transformation for camera pose estimation using points.
Image Vis. Comput., January, 2024

Near-Optimal Low-Complexity Hybrid Precoding for THz Massive MIMO Systems.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2024

Non-invasive measurement of blood pressure waveform based on spatiotemporal multi-dimensional pulse waves.
Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol., 2024

Underwater Fish Tracking Algorithm Based on ViBE Detection and Covariance Matrix.
Proceedings of the 2024 6th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing, 2024

Interference source-based quality assessment method for postauricular photoplethysmography signals.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., July, 2023

Multiple Beam Selection and Near-Optimal Digital Precoding for Multiuser Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, February, 2023

A Study on the Spatial Correlation Effects of Digital Economy Development in China from a Non-Linear Perspective.
Syst., February, 2023

A Metrological Calibration Method for Electronic Belt Scale Based on Finite Element Analysis and Filtering Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, 2023

Design and Application of 6LoWPAN-based Metrology IoT for Smart Manufacturing Enterprises.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, 2023

Underwater Fish Target Detection Based on YOLOv5 Fusion CBAM.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application, 2023

Velocity-Free State Feedback Fault-Tolerant Control for Satellite with Actuator and Sensor Faults.
Symmetry, 2022

Oil Spill SAR Image Segmentation via Probability Distribution Modeling.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2022

An Efficient Frequency Estimator for a Complex Exponential Signal Based on Interpolation of Selectable DTFT Samples.
Sensors, 2022

Fast stochastic configuration network based on an improved sparrow search algorithm for fire flame recognition.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2022

To Be Human-like or Machine-like? An Empirical Research on User Trust in AI Applications in Service Industry.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications, 2022

Noninvasive Blood Pressure Waveform Measurement Method Based on CNN-LSTM.
Proceedings of the Biometric Recognition - 16th Chinese Conference, 2022

Channel Estimation for MmWave Massive MIMO With Hybrid Precoding Based on Log-Sum Sparse Constraints.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 2021

Oil Spill SAR Image Segmentation via Probability Distribution Modelling.
CoRR, 2021

Distributed Event-Triggered Adaptive Coordinated Trajectory Tracking Control of Multi-USVs Based on the Aggregate Tracking Error.
IEEE Access, 2021

Improving WiFi Fingerprint Positioning Through Smartphone Built-In Sensors Based Trajectory Estimation.
Proceedings of the Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, 2021

Computation offloading for mobile sign language video encoding.
Int. J. Wirel. Mob. Comput., 2020

A Square-Root Variable Step Size with a lp-Norm Penalty LMS Algorithm for Sparse Channel Estimation.
Int. J. Perform. Eng., 2020

Reweighted l<sub>p</sub> constraint LMS-based adaptive sparse channel estimation for cooperative communication system.
IET Commun., 2020

Block-Sparsity Log-Sum-Induced Adaptive Filter for Cluster Sparse System Identification.
IEEE Access, 2020

Resource Allocation in Multi-User Cognitive Radio Network With Stackelberg Game.
IEEE Access, 2020

A Novel CSI Feedback Approach for Massive MIMO Using LSTM-Attention CNN.
IEEE Access, 2020

Fusing Multilevel Deep Features for Fabric Defect Detection Based NTV-RPCA.
IEEE Access, 2020

Financing Efficiency of SMEs in New Third Board Market in the Information Times.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics for IoT Security and Privacy, 2020

Soft Decision Signal Detection of MIMO System Based on Deep Neural Network.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2020

基于小波与分形相结合的图像压缩编码 (Image Compression Encoding Based on Wavelet Transform and Fractal).
计算机科学, 2019

Energy Efficiency Optimization for multiuser OFDM-based Cognitive Heterogeneous networks.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2019

Orthogonal sparse fractal coding algorithm based on image texture feature.
IET Image Process., 2019

Energy Efficiency-Delay Tradeoff for a Cooperative NOMA System.
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2019

Event Triggered Feedback Linearization Sliding Mode Control for Trajectory Tracking by Multi-joint Robotic Manipulator.
Proceedings of the RICAI 2019: International Conference on Robotics, 2019

Fabric Defect Detection Based on Total Variation Regularized Double Low-Rank Matrix Representation.
Proceedings of the Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, 2019

Detection of multipoint pulse waves and dynamic 3D pulse shape of the radial artery based on binocular vision theory.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2018

A Compressive Sensing Based Multi-user Detection Algorithm for SIMa-NOMA Systems.
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2018

Image splicing detection based on Markov features in QDCT domain.
Neurocomputing, 2017

Age-related alterations in the sign series entropy of short-term pulse rate variability.
Neurocomputing, 2017

Sparsity Adaptive Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Estimating Channels in MIMO Cooperation systems.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2016

Heart Rate Variability Estimation in Electrocardiogram Signals Interferences Based on Photoplethysmography Signals.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 12th International Conference, 2016

Coronary Heart Disease Recognition Based on Dynamic Pulse Rate Variability.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, 2016

Behavior Prediction for Ochotona curzoniae Based on Wavelet Neural Network.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, 2016

Semi-fragile self-recoverable watermarking algorithm based on wavelet group quantization and double authentication.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2015

一种基于动态协同神经网络的文本作者身份分类研究 (Dynamic Synergetic Neural Network Algorithm for Authorship Classification of Texts).
计算机科学, 2015

A Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Maximum Wavelet Coefficient Modification and Optimal Threshold Technique.
J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 2015

Age-Related Alterations in the Sign Series Entropy of Short-Term Pulse Rate Variability.
Proceedings of the Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, 2015

Cross-layer transmission for video streaming in wireless relay networks.
Proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2014

Adaptive backstepping trajectory tracking control of robot manipulator.
J. Frankl. Inst., 2012

Transrating-assisted MPEG-4 video resizing with rate-distortion optimization.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, 2012

Drowsiness detection based on wavelet analysis of ECG and pulse signals.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2012

EEG feature extraction and analysis under drowsy state based on energy and sample entropy.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2012

A Comparative Analysis of Telecommunications Restructure Effects in China.
Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2009

A Cross-Layer Design-Based Power-Saving Mechanism for IEEE 802.16e.
Proceedings of the CSIE 2009, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, March 31, 2009

Feature Extraction of EEG Signals Using Power Spectral Entropy.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2008

Pulse Signals Detection by Digital Image Correlation.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2008
