Abdesselem Boulkroune

Orcid: 0000-0002-1392-6932

  • University of Jijel, Algeria

According to our database1, Abdesselem Boulkroune authored at least 55 papers between 2006 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Fixed-time fuzzy adaptive control scheme for doubly fed induction generator-based wind turbine.
Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 2024

Adaptive estimator-based exponential fault-tolerant tracking control for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with simultaneous actuator/sensor faults.
J. Frankl. Inst., 2024

Finite-Time Adaptive Event-Triggered Output Feedback Intelligent Control for Noninteger Order Nonstrict Feedback Systems with Asymmetric Time-varying Pseudo-state Constraints and Nonsmooth Input Nonlinearities.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 2024

Composite adaptive exponential tracking control for large-scale nonlinear systems with sensor faults.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2024

Robust unified Observer-based Fuzzy Controller of Perturbed Uncertain Multivariable Systems.
Proceedings of the 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 2022

Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Output Constrained Nonlinear Systems with Disturbance Observer.
Proceedings of the 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 2022

Adaptive Fuzzy Control for State Constrained Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Input Nonlinearity.
Proceedings of the 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 2022

Fuzzy Adaptive State-Feedback Control Scheme of Uncertain Nonlinear Multivariable Systems.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 2019

Variable-structure backstepping controller for multivariable nonlinear systems with actuator nonlinearities based on adaptive fuzzy system.
Soft Comput., 2019

Intelligent fractional-order control-based projective synchronization for chaotic optical systems.
Soft Comput., 2019

Neuro-adaptive tracking control of non-integer order systems with input nonlinearities and time-varying output constraints.
Inf. Sci., 2019

Intelligent fuzzy controller for chaos synchronization of uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems with input nonlinearities.
Int. J. Gen. Syst., 2019

Chaos synchronisation of two different PMSMs via a fractional-order sliding mode controller.
Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 2019

Robust Control based on Backstepping and adaptive neural network for the DFIG based WECS.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis, 2019

Control of a DFIG Based WECS with Optimized PI controllers via a duplicate PSO algorithm.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis, 2019

Adaptive Synchronization Of Uncertain Fractional-Order Chaotic Triangular Systems Via Fuzzy Backstepping Control.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Control, 2019

Adaptive neural output-feedback control for nonstrict-feedback time-delay fractional-order systems with output constraints and actuator nonlinearities.
Neural Networks, 2018

A novel 4-D hyperchaotic system with two quadratic nonlinearities and its adaptive synchronisation.
Int. J. Autom. Control., 2018

Adaptive iterative learning control of nonlinearly parameterised strict feedback systems with input saturation.
Int. J. Autom. Control., 2018

Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Tracking Control for Strict-Feedback Systems With Input Delay.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 2017

Observer-based adaptive neural network control for a class of MIMO uncertain nonlinear time-delay non-integer-order systems with asymmetric actuator saturation.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2017

Adaptive fuzzy system-based variable-structure controller for multivariable nonaffine nonlinear uncertain systems subject to actuator nonlinearities.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2017

Neural adaptive quantized output-feedback control-based synchronization of uncertain time-delay incommensurate fractional-order chaotic systems with input nonlinearities.
Neurocomputing, 2017

Fuzzy state-feedback control of uncertain nonlinear MIMO systems.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Systems and Control, 2017

High-gain observer-based adaptive fuzzy control for a class of multivariable nonlinear systems.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Systems and Control, 2017

Fuzzy Control-Based Function Synchronization of Unknown Chaotic Systems with Dead-Zone Input.
Proceedings of the Advances in Chaos Theory and Intelligent Control, 2016

Fuzzy Adaptive Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems.
Proceedings of the Advances in Chaos Theory and Intelligent Control, 2016

Projective synchronization of two different fractional-order chaotic systems via adaptive fuzzy control.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2016

Fuzzy adaptive synchronization of uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems.
Int. J. Mach. Learn. Cybern., 2016

Fuzzy generalized projective synchronization of incommensurate fractional-order chaotic systems.
Neurocomputing, 2016

A fuzzy adaptive control approach for nonlinear systems with unknown control gain sign.
Neurocomputing, 2016

Trajectory tracking with obstacle avoidance of redundant manipulator based on fuzzy inference systems.
Neurocomputing, 2016

A generalized function projective synchronization scheme for uncertain chaotic systems subject to input nonlinearities.
Int. J. Gen. Syst., 2016

Flatness-based adaptive fuzzy control of electrostatically actuated MEMS using output feedback.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2016

Function vector synchronization based on fuzzy control for uncertain chaotic systems with dead-zone nonlinearities.
Complex., 2016

A Novel 4-D Hyperchaotic Chemical Reactor System and Its Adaptive Control.
Proceedings of the Advances and Applications in Chaotic Systems, 2016

Fuzzy Adaptive Synchronization of Incommensurate Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems.
Proceedings of the Advances and Applications in Chaotic Systems, 2016

Fuzzy Adaptive Controller for a DFI-Motor.
Proceedings of the Complex System Modelling and Control Through Intelligent Soft Computations, 2015

Projective Synchronization Scheme Based on Fuzzy Controller for Uncertain Multivariable Chaotic Systems.
Proceedings of the Chaos Modeling and Control Systems Design, 2015

Adaptive fuzzy vector control for a doubly-fed induction motor.
Neurocomputing, 2015

Adaptive fuzzy control-based projective synchronization of uncertain nonaffine chaotic systems.
Complex., 2015

Design of a unified adaptive fuzzy observer for uncertain nonlinear systems.
Inf. Sci., 2014

Indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme based on observer for nonlinear systems: A novel SPR-filter approach.
Neurocomputing, 2014

Adaptive fuzzy tracking control for a class of MIMO nonaffine uncertain systems.
Neurocomputing, 2012

On the design of observer-based fuzzy adaptive controller for nonlinear systems with unknown control gain sign.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2012

Adaptive fuzzy controller for multivariable nonlinear state time-varying delay systems subject to input nonlinearities.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2011

A fuzzy adaptive variable-structure control scheme for uncertain chaotic MIMO systems with sector nonlinearities and dead-zones.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2011

Adaptive Fuzzy Observer for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems.
Control. Intell. Syst., 2011

Design of a fuzzy adaptive controller for MIMO nonlinear time-delay systems with unknown actuator nonlinearities and unknown control direction.
Inf. Sci., 2010

Fuzzy adaptive controller for MIMO nonlinear systems with known and unknown control direction.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2010

Adaptive fuzzy controller for non-affine systems with zero dynamics.
Int. J. Syst. Sci., 2009

A unified approach for design of indirect adaptive output-feedback fuzzy controller.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. Technol. Appl., 2008

How to design a fuzzy adaptive controller based on observers for uncertain affine nonlinear systems.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2008

An Adaptive Feedback controller with observer for linearizable Chaotic Systems.
Control. Intell. Syst., 2007

Observer-Based Adaptive Feedback Controller of a Class of Chaotic Systems.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 2006
